
The Goddess Ch. 01: Arthur


Chapter 1

Arthur replaced the last panel on the antique boiler that serviced the huge library building. Struggling to his feet he shuffled around on his misshapen legs cleaning up the mess he had made fixing the wreck of a boiler. He was only twenty five but he moved and looked like a much older man.

The genetic lottery had played a cruel trick on Arthur when he had been born. His mother having seen what she had brought into the world abandoned him at a children’s home and he never returned. He was born with a deformed left foot, a right leg longer than the left by several inches and a deformed shoulder. As he grew into a child he was also extremely ugly and was turned into the butt of many jokes at school. One by one the children at the orphanage were adopted but no one had been willing to take on Arthur.

With all the concentration from the doctors on his deformed limbs, no one noticed the small cleft below the boy’s testicles. The doctors had been unable to do anything to improve his deformed bones or his face so from about ten the boy had steadfastly refused to see the doctors at the hospital, all they did was hurt him not help him. The orphanage was unwilling to force him to undergo treatment mainly because the paperwork involved put the staff of the orphanage off, after all it was just wasting money that could be used to care for several other children.

As Arthur grew the tiny cleft began to change and not willing to trust the doctors he decided to find out for himself what was happening to him. At twelve he was considered by his teachers to be intellectually retarded. He sat quietly at the back of the class and tried to fade into the background, to be noticed would bring more teasing and bullying. In reality Arthur was very intelligent and spent most of his spare time in the library absorbing knowledge like a sponge.

Arthur’s research taught him that he was an hermaphrodite. The condition varied from case to case and he wouldn’t be able to tell how fully his male and female organs would develop until he matured.

Fortunately he was prepared when he had his first period at thirteen. He didn’t tell anyone and quietly stole homemade sanitary napkins from some of the older girls in the home or made them himself once he had seen a few. As his body matured he soon found out the latest trick nature had decided to play on him. His vagina had no clitoris and was too small, he found it only extended for about inch into his body. He had always assumed that his penis would at least be normal but found that his foreskin had fused with the head of his cock so that it was impossible to retract and caused him considerable pain whenever his penis tried to get erect.

By the time Arthur left school his teachers still thought him stupid but he had read a lot of the open books in the large library in the town and had managed to read quite a few from the closed section of the library that held material unsuitable for the masses. It was when trying to get into the closed section that Arthur found he could manipulate small things. Once he understood how a lock operated he could make it open by just thinking of tripping each lever in the lock.

This gave Arthur a new direction for his research, into the paranormal. Over a few months he found that if anyone knew how this talent worked or how far it could be trained they were not putting it into print. And no matter how hard Arthur concentrated he could never move anything very large and even small objects sometimes gave him a headache lasting several days.

While Arthur was continuing his research he heard that the old caretaker was retiring soon so he went to see the head librarian to find out if he could have the job. The Head Librarian was reluctant to give the live in position to a sixteen year old kid and decided to give the boy a trial for six months, three of which would be working with the old caretaker.

Arthur started working and living at the library in the spring of 1929 at sixteen. Within three weeks he had repaired the coal feed to the boiler in the basement which had stopped working over a year ago. The Head Librarian was so impressed Arthur kept the job.

The library closed at 6:30 every night and all day on Sunday. Arthur put this time to good use, after he had cleaned through and done any maintenance tasks his time was his own and he spent most evenings and Sundays reading. Arthur had ventured out of the library a few times and had soon retreated from the stares and taunts he had received.

During his stay at the library his rooms in the basement had become a library in itself. He had collected books on many subjects over the years but he kept returning to one particular volume. The book was slim, containing just eight pages written on what he was sure was human skin. Despite having an entire reference library at his disposal Arthur had been unable to identify the script or decipher any of it. There was something maddeningly familiar about the closely written text that kept Arthur returning porno izle to the book again and again to try to work it out.

Cleaning himself up after his work on the boiler Arthur returned to his room and settled down to work on the book again. As he opened the book to stare at the indecipherable text he suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

When he had first moved in to the basement of the library he needed somewhere to sleep. He and the old caretaker had cleared a storage room of old crates. The caretaker said he thought they came from an expedition somewhere but wasn’t sure. Intrigued Arthur had returned to the crates where they lay at the back of another store room in the basement. Investigation of the crates showed that they had been shipped from South America. A quick look in one of the chests showed pottery with weird markings packed in straw.

Arthur suddenly realised where he had seen the script in this book, it was on the ancient Aztec remains. Cursing himself for taking so long to recognising it Arthur took his book and lumbered off to find the chests.

Arthur spent most of Saturday evening pulling out the contents of the chests, finding the script on several objects he carefully put them to one side to examine later.

Around midnight Arthur hit gold, he found the notebooks of George Serith, the expedition leader. Taking them back to his room Arthur spent all night reading the books. By Sunday morning Arthur had read about how Serith had worked using several old south American languages to translate the language. By working out how these languages had evolved from the ancient script he had found he had been able to trace the languages back to reveal the meaning of the ancient characters.

Arthur was impressed at how Serith had worked out a language that pre dated the Aztec civilization by hundreds of years. Eventually Arthur came across what he had hoped to find, a complete key to the characters of this truly ancient language.

Using the key Arthur was able to translate the little book he had found and by Sunday afternoon he had completed the translation. What he read seemed to be a ritual to summon a goddess of this ancient people. Exhausted he fell into his bed and slept. His dreams that night were filled with erotic images of a glowing hermaphrodite goddess. In his dreams the goddess took his body in every orifice making him cum all night.

Arthur woke in pain from his damaged penis. His sheets were wet with sweat and his cum. Arthur had never been able to stand the pain of an erection long enough to cum but last night he had covered the sheets and himself in his spunk. The cold damp bed wasn’t very comfortable so in agony Arthur clambered out of bed and stripped the damp bedding away.

After an hour or so the pain in Arthur’s cock passed off and he was able to move around more. Taking care of the few jobs he had to get done that day he settled down to re-read the book and see what he would need to carry out the ritual.

Most of the things he needed were easy to get hold of, candles, chalk and some herbs. The problem came with getting the last item on his list. Arthur had to find a virgin, the text indicated that this was a sacrifice but didn’t give any real detail as to the part it played in the ritual so Arthur decided to try the ritual without one.

By Wednesday night Arthur had gathered everything required except the virgin, well he was a virgin as well, but he guessed it was meant to be another person. Three nights of passionate dreams had left him with a sore cock and a sense of frustrated anticipation he needed to summon the goddess or try to forget about it.

That night after the library had closed Arthur swept through his cleaning tasks like a whirlwind. By nine o’clock he was back in his basement and spent a couple of hours laying out the largest room as described in the book.

The scent of candles filling the air Arthur lit the brazier he had managed to find, its smoke adding to the hazy atmosphere. Arthur carefully burnt the required herbs in the order listed and recited the prayer to the goddess that he had memorised.

An hour later a dispirited Arthur quenched the brazier and snuffed out all the candles. A resigned sigh escaped him as he began opening windows and clearing up. He should have known nothing would happen, his life was what it was nothing would ever change it.

A depressed Arthur went to bed knowing he would wake up to another morning of pain and drudgery.

His dreams that night were similar to the last few nights with just one exception. He was dimly aware of another presence there with him loving the goddess.

Thursday morning Arthur awoke with a new determination. He had thought that the virgin sacrifice was unnecessary but now he was certain it would work if he could find one.

As he worked that day he pondered how to get a virgin. With his looks there was no way he could tempt someone down to his basement. And anyway anyone willing to accompany a man alone down into a cellar wouldn’t amatör porno be the type of woman he needed.

By evening he was no closer to an answer. Still mulling over the problem he started his cleaning duties. When he got the Ancient Civilisations room he saw Miss Cleave still at work at her desk.

“Good evening Arthur. How are you, I haven’t seen you all week.” She said cheerfully as he entered.

“I’m fine Miss, how about you. You’re working late tonight.” Arthur answered pleased to see her.

Miss Alice Cleave was in charge of the history sections of the library and looked as old and dusty as most of her books. The old spinster was the only person who ever engaged Arthur in conversation and always seemed pleased to see him. They had become good friends over the years and as neither of them had anyone else to talk to they often spent hours talking after the library had closed.

“I had a delivery of books donated by Lord Trenen. I hear his new wife wants to turn his library into a drawing room and ordered him to get rid of those ‘dry and boring relics’.” Alice chuckled as she told him.

“That’s lucky. You’ve often mentioned he had an impressive library.” Arthur was pleased for his friend.

“Yes, they are beautiful books but I’m going to be here late tonight and tomorrow night getting them all catalogued if I am going to get them out for the weekend.”

“Why do they have to be done for the weekend. Surely it won’t matter if they go out gradually over the next few weeks.” Arthur asked puzzled.

Alice grimaced. “His lordship and his wife are visiting the library on Saturday morning to view their donation to the people.”

“Well I had better let you get on. See you tomorrow.” Arthur said as he went to go into the corridor.

“Thank you Arthur. See you tomorrow.” Alice said already moving on to the next book she had to catalogue.

Arthur moved away in thought. He was pretty sure Alice would be a virgin. She mentioned once falling in love, but her father hadn’t approved and sent her away to be a governess. From chats with her over the years she was certain that there had never been another man in her life.

Smiling to himself Arthur decided on a course of action for tonight. Packing away his cleaning cart he went to his basement room.

Putting the kettle on Arthur pulled a box from under his bed. Opening the box he took out a small phial. About a year ago Arthur had been having problems sleeping due to the pain in his deformed joints. Unwilling to allow another doctor to examine him he broke into a chemist shop and stole several painkillers and sleeping draughts.

Arthur made a pot of tea laced with some of the sleeping draught. Laying out a tea tray he carried it upstairs.

“Um, hello again. I thought as you were here late you might like some tea while you’re working.”

Alice looked up and smiled warmly at him.

“Oh Arthur, you’re so thoughtful. Thank you my dear, just put the tray down there.” Alice indicated the only clear spot on her desk.

“I’m sorry if I disturbed you.” Arthur said embarrassed at the compliments.

“Not at all my boy. Thank you so much I really could use a cup of tea, would you join me.”

“Um, I only brought one cup.” Arthur said without thinking.

“No problem, I think I’ve still got one here from this afternoon. I can use this one and you can use the cup you brought. Come on be a dear and give an old lady some company for a few minutes.”

“Thank you.” Arthur pulled up a chair and sat trying to work out how he could get away with not drinking the drugged tea.

Alice carried on making small talk and sipping her tea. After a little while she began to look a little drowsy and shook herself awake.

“I must be tired” She said. “I almost drifted off then, drink up Arthur you’ve hardly touched your tea.”

Under her gaze Arthur had no choice but to take a mouthful from his cup.

He was soon feeling light-headed and watched dazed as Alice kept sipping her tea. Something wasn’t right but his fogged brain couldn’t make the work out why.

Arthur found himself draining his cup as her voice echoed in his head.

Suddenly he made the connection and knew what was wrong. His cup was empty and Alice’s cup was still full. He felt sure it should be the other way around.

“You, You havn’ drun’ you’re tea’ Arthur slurred his words as he began to slump forward.

“No dear, you must have lost your sense of smell, mine is still perfect and I can smell whatever you put in the tea. I pretended to sip in a ladylike manner. Now why would a nice young man like you try to drug an old lady like me. I doubt it was for sex, I can’t see you being interested in this old carcass. Mmm. Speak up boy before you drift off.”

“Uh, rit… ritu… ritual, bring god… god… goddess.”

Alice watched as Arthur fell asleep at the table.

“This needs looking into, I think I need to have a look at your basement my friend.”

Alice struggled with anal porno the limp body and finally got Arthur onto a book cart. Once there it was quite easy to push him to the service elevator and reach Arthur’s basement.

Taking Arthur to what looked to be his room she struggled again with the heavy body until he was draped across his bed. Beside of the bed she saw a book and recognising the script on the covers grabbed it quickly and opened the book. Her practiced eye scanned the familiar script. Laughing she nudged Arthur.

“So you found the missing pages from the ‘Prayer to the Goddess’ did you. Someone must have removed these pages and bound them separately. I always wondered my copy didn’t quite make sense.”

“So where were you going to perform the prayer then.”

Alice wandered off and looked in several rooms before finding the large store room with the intricate design chalked on the floor.

Returning to Arthur she spoke to the sleeping figure.

“Well done lad, it’s laid out perfectly. The only thing you got wrong is that the Prayer can’t be performed by a man. Of course in your copy it doesn’t say that. And it also doesn’t say that it has to be performed naked.”

Alice struggled to sit the sleeping figure up and began to remove his shirt. She was surprised to find tight bandages across his chest. Alice patiently unwrapped her sleepy charge and dropped the bandages in amazement.

“Nice breasts for a young lad.” she murmured.

Arthur’s breasts were a good size, probably larger than her own had been at that age Alice thought. They were crisscrossed with marks from the bandages. Several sores marred the breasts, probably from spending too much time tightly bound up.

Alice gently teased one of Arthur’s nipples and was surprised when it reacted to her touch. She couldn’t resist leaning dawn and softly sucking on one of the turgid nipples.

Alice sighed, it had been years since she had last caressed a pair of beautiful breasts. She had enjoyed the company of three women before her father caught her playing with her maid. His puritanical rage had frightened her and her maid. The maid was sacked and Alice was sent off to work as a governess in Scotland. She had been nineteen years old when he had sent her away and from that day to this she had never even kissed another person.

Alice’s sigh was tinged with regret this time. Fifty one years wasted. Now she was alone and old.

Well she wasn’t actually alone at the moment and she couldn’t stop caressing Arthur’s firm tits.

Eventually Alice pulled her hands away and carried on stripping Arthur.

“Oh my, it looks like you truly are one of the goddess’s people.” Alice breathed as she looked at Arthur’s small penis and testicles. Beneath them she could just see a damp vagina.

Having stripped him Alice went and got soap and cloth and bathed the sores on Arthur’s breasts.

Having cleaned him up as best as she could Alice pulled him back onto the trolley and wheeled him into the room that had been laid out for the prayer.

Placing Arthur and the trolley at the correct place Alice quickly stripped off her clothes, thankful that the room didn’t contain a mirror.

Before long Alice was confidently chanting the prayer she had been practicing for years.

After about ten minutes of chanting Alice noticed a pale bluish light coming from the centre of the chalked design.

“Why have you summoned me woman.” the voice was stern but softly melodic. Alice fearfully looked up and saw the most beautiful creature she had ever seen. The tall figure of the goddess was perfectly formed. Large breasts rode high on her chest not giving in to mortal gravity and sagging like Alice’s. Lower down a huge monster of a cock hung down between a pair of open labia. Alice looked further up to see her face and found it obscured by the blue light she had seen.

“Mistress I am sorry to call upon you. I have wanted to call on you ever since I first read your prayer. That was for myself, I desired to be young again and to re-live a wasted life.”

“Not a noble reason for bringing me hither. But understandable considering your life. But it was you who wasted it. Why should I give you anymore life to waste.”

“Mistress I know that it was unworthy, that was the main reason I didn’t call on you. Of course I was also missing some of the text as well. But many nights I laid out the sigil and determined to call upon you, only to erase it and retire old and alone.”

“But I have found someone else who is truly worthy of your attention. He, I mean she is named Arthur and is one of your own.”

The goddess turned her attention to the sleeping figure.

“Oh my child what has happened to you.” the goddess whispered.

Turning back she addressed Alice.

“Know you this. There are so few of my people left that much of what happens in this world is hidden from me.”

“My chosen one has wasted her opportunities and her life, though it has been many times as long as yours. The chosen one to come after her will be different, that much I have seen.”

“Until the day she comes I have little power over your realm. I can bring my imperfect child into her own. But do you know the purpose of the ritual you have used to bring me here.”

Emma’s Endurance Ch. 10


Anal training

Emma quickly took a cold flannel and wiped Adrian’s face. He groaned and opened his eyes.

‘Adrian, what happened? Why are you so scared of this person?’

‘Emma, I can’t talk about him, but please be very careful of this man. He is dangerous.’

All the girls were washed and dried by this time. Adrian stood up, with trembling legs and with his voice a tiny whisper, said ‘follow me girls and we’ll go and eat breakfast.’

The girls walked along the corridor, past the doors to their cells and staying at their basement level, they walked along another corridor, with just a few doors that were all closed, but behind one of the doors, they could hear the sound of someone being flogged.

They looked at each other with apprehension, but carried on walking and entered what had been a kitchen in other centuries.

They sat at benches and ate off a long table, just like they had at school and no one said a word.

Emma was seated opposite a girl whom she recognised from her schooldays and she looked at her and raised her eyebrows. The girl, who Emma thought was called Maria, looked down at her plate.

She wasn’t wearing a wedding ring and Emma wondered if she was a submissive who was being trained, or whether she was there because she had no choice. Emma had her suspicions about the claims that The Order of Saint Ismael weren’t all the honest truth. She didn’t believe that all submissives had given consent and she wasn’t sure that all the members were equal.

Adrian, calling the girls to line up and return to their cells, broke her thought process and she obeyed.

Back in Emma’s cells, she was attached to the chain above the bed again and Adrian advised her to start reading the books that were placed by the bed.

The top book was ‘The Story of O’ and Emma decided to read it again. It felt as though a great deal had happened since James had given her the book to read, even though it was only three days earlier.

The screen flickered into life and Emma looked up, to see a girl who was dressed in the uniform of the Castle. The girl, reading an autocue, was talking about oral sex. She was reading instructions on how to fellate a man. As she read the instructions, on a split screen, another girl was demonstrating the actions.

The girl altyazılı porno said ‘By your bedside, there will be a banana. Practice the deepthroating technique by pretending that the banana is a penis, the penis of your lord and master.’

Emma looked and sure enough, there was a banana. The girl on the recording said ‘Now, insert the banana into your mouth and keep the blunt end at the back of your tongue. You are going to try to learn to relax. Breathe in and out of your nose, keeping the banana at the back of your tongue and let it slip a little further down your throat. Do not let go, or you may choke.’

Emma obeyed. It wasn’t easy, but she thought that if she practised every day, then by the end of the week, she’d be able to accommodate her husband’s penis almost as well as Sister Angela did.

The recording ended and the door opened. Adrian was standing there and he was carrying a tray.

‘Lady Emma, I have come to assess your anal capacity. Please relax, this may feel uncomfortable, but do your best to comply. Kneel up on the bed and place your head down on your folded arms.’

Emma knelt, feeling the cool air on her buttocks.

Adrian ran his finger around the rim of Emma’s anus. She always enjoyed this sensation and relaxed as much as she could.

Adrian inserted his middle finger and as his finger was thicker than Sir James’, Emma gasped and tried to relax.

Adrian slid his finger in and out a few times and then tried to insert his forefinger and middle finger. Emma cried out, as this was slightly painful.

‘Relax, my lady. You have to relax as much as possible.’

He removed his fingers and picked up something from the tray.

‘This is a dildo, Emma. It is a model of normal sized penis and I’m going to insert it and see if you can take it all.’

He did so slowly. It felt quite uncomfortable to begin with, but Emma, who was becoming aroused, began to push her buttocks back towards Adrian.

‘That’s good, my lady, now this is a slightly larger dildo. Relax’

It didn’t feel too bad at first, but the stretching was making Emma panic. It hurt a little, but Emma’s fear wasn’t helping.

Adrian stopped for a moment and wrote down a few notes in a book and said ‘let’s try again. This won’t tear you, but it will feel tight. zenci porno Don’t worry, it won’t get stuck. I have hold of the end of it.’

This time the rubber penis felt more comfortable. Adrian penetrated and withdrew several times, and suddenly reached around and gently rubbed Emma’s clitoris.

She felt a huge wave of arousal wash through her and Adrian left the dildo in place for a few moments, rubbing Emma’s nipples and clitoris until she started to moan and pant.

He withdrew the dildo again and said ‘last one now.’

First, he circled and rubbed each super-sensitive nipple and moved onto her clitoris, until she was saying ‘please, please…’

She felt the head of another dildo at her anus, but this one was much larger.

Emma screamed. Adrian carried on with the penetration. He withdrew and repeated the action a few more times and then placed the dildo on the tray.

‘Very good, Emma. I have to make some recommendations to your husband, so please stay in this position and I’ll be back soon.’

What? Emma was astounded. Was James there at the castle?

She could hear Adrian talking, but he was alone and he walked back into the cell, with a mobile phone in his hand. He handed it to Emma.

‘Darling,’ James’ voice was warm and loving. ‘Adrian has recommended a course of anal training. He doesn’t think that using butt plugs will help, so he’s going to get some of the stewards and members to help out. They’ll come down to help you several times a day. They will fuck you, but that’s fine. I’m all for this, as it will stretch your arse. We can play with butt plugs at home, but nothing beats the real thing. Is that okay? It will make me very happy. Please say yes?’

‘Y-y-yes’ Emma stammered. She was both terrified and aroused at the same time.

‘Okay, then they’ll start today. Have fun darling, I’ll see you soon’.

James terminated the call and Emma handed the phone back to Adrian.

The incongruity of the situation almost made her laugh. There she was, bum in the air, talking to her own husband about letting other men have sex with her and no one seemed surprised.

Adrian patted her buttocks. ‘Wait there a while Emma, I’ll be back soon.’

Emma waited, again buttocks exposed, wondering what was aldatma porno about to happen next.

Adrian returned. He was accompanied by the same young man, who had whipped Emma’s thighs the night before.

‘Hello my lady,’ said the young man. ‘Adrian, suck my dick will you, I need to get erect. You are more skilled at this than young Emma here. Oh, and watch.’

Emma watched.

Adrian knelt and kissed the end of the young man’s penis. He ran his tongue up towards the testicles and then licked each one, which was growing tight and hard as Emma watched.

Adrian held the penis in his hand and massaged it for a moment and then he took it all into his mouth.

Emma could see his throat swell as the head of the penis penetrated the top of Adrian’s throat.

After ten seconds or so, the young man withdrew. His penis was totally erect now.

‘By the way, my lady, I’m Master Dominic. I’m a steward here and I help the members with discipline and organisation. Now, as they say, relax and open wide.’

Emma braced herself, as Master Dominic started to penetrate her anus. ‘Not bad,’ the young man said. He pushed harder and started a brisk pumping action.

At the end of each thrust, Emma felt pain as her anus was stretched, but she was able to relax and she focussed on staying in the same position as the young man pumped in and out.

‘Pull her cheeks further apart, Adrian’ ordered Master Dominic.

Emma was struck by the humiliation of the situation. A man she scarcely knew and assisted by another was anally raping her. She couldn’t resist and had no right to resist, as she’d given permission to her husband to authorise this.

Adrian pulled apart her buttock cheeks and the young man increased speed and penetration. Emma, tears of pain in her eyes, braced herself on the bed and then, without warning the young man filled her rectum with semen, grunting as he did so.

‘Thanks, Adrian love,’ said Master Dominic and he left the room.

Emma knelt up a little and raised her head. She wiped the tears of pain away and smiled bravely at Adrian. He patted her on the head. ‘Get used to this, my lady. It’ll happen at least five times each day. Now, let’s go and clean up.’

Emma held out her wrists and Adrian joined the cuffs and attached the leash.

In the bathroom, he showed her how to flush out her rectum and anus with warm and then cold water to tighten up the sphincter again. He ran a finger around the rim to check and Emma dried herself.

‘Right then, back to work,’ said Adrian.

End of Part 10



I wait patiently in the next room. He is prepping for me. I press my ear against the wall and bite my lip. The anticipation is almost unbearable. I wonder what all of those clanks and thuds could possibly be. I hear the zipper of your duffel bag open all the way and things being placed meticulously on the bedside table. I hear bed sheets being removed and pillows being readjusted. I hear a loud crack and your low, guttural sound of approval. I know what that sound is… you are testing out a new toy and seeing how it feels on your palm. My toes start to curl and my hand rubs down the wall. I hear sounds of pulling, tightening. I close my eyes and take pleasure in the mystery. I can feel a warmth growing between my legs.

Suddenly the room becomes quiet. I press my ear harder, trying to extract any sound possible, but there is nothing.

“You can stop eavesdropping and come out now.”

Your voice startles me and my heart skips a beat. I instantly dart away from the wall and look to my left. I can see the fire in your eyes peeking through the crack in the door. Your smile is dark, and it excites me. I turn the doorknob and step toward you.

“I know you are excited, but don’t listen in on me.”

“Yes, Sir. I’m sorry.”

Your smile turns soft now and you kiss my cheek. “Good. Now close your eyes.”

I oblige, and I feel the familiar brush of cloth slide over my eyes. The blindfold is soft against my skin. As always, my other senses instantly become heightened and a rush of adrenaline pours down my body.

Your lips drape along the back of neck and down my shoulder. “You always look so beautiful for me.” The warmth of your voice makes my chest swell with arousal. You run your fingers down both of my arms, and gently bring them behind me. As you reach into your pocket, I hear the familiar clinking of my favorite cuffs. The chains grip tightly against my wrists as you fasten them. “Too tight?”

“No, Sir.”

“Good.” Your touch leaves me temporarily and I feel vulnerable and exposed. I hear more clinking. I’m not sure what this toy could be, I only know of the metal cuffs.

Without warning, my hair is gathered and yanked back, your voice low and rough in my ear, “I have bought some new things for you. Now are you going to let me try them?”

My pussy pulsates slightly at your request. “Yes, Sir. Absolutely.”

“That’s my good girl.” You release my hair and I feel smooth leather wrap around my neck. The cold metal chain attached to it drapes between my heavy breasts. Your fingers play along the chain, and you grasp it tightly pulling it to you. Helplessly I lunge forward and you kiss me deeply. I can feel the heat coming off your body as you rise into me. “Mmm, I think I like this leash, my dear.”

“Me too, Sir.” I smile, my tongue slightly clenched between my teeth, revealing itself. I feel your thumb rub along my bottom lip and you exhale affectionately. Your fingers continue down towards the chain and you wrap it around your wrist. The tightening of the collar makes my jaw drop.

“Come.” I feel the harsh tug as you lead me to the room you have prepared for me. The sound of the door slamming behind mobil porno me frightens me a bit. “Stand there.” The cold metal chain rests against my chest again and I feel your fingers slide along my hip to my back. You stand behind me and nip my shoulder lightly. Your touch drops down to my ass and your fingers grasp and knead the flesh beneath my satin lingerie.

SMACK! Your hand strikes hard against skin. I gasp as my body clenches at the wonderful sting and the instant warmth that follows it. I am lost in the sensation, and my legs start to tingle and become weak. Your arms surround me and hold me up. I can feel your cock stiffening through your jeans. My bound hands fidget uncontrollably, trying to touch you. Your hand brushes through my hair and tugs it back gently.

“On your knees.”

I shakily make my way to the floor and sit on my heels, knees slightly parted just the way you like. You reach down and unhinge my cuffs, making my arms fall loosely to my sides.

“Palms up.”

I lightly rest my hands face up on my thighs. I sit stiffly, awaiting your next command.

“Who do you belong to?”

“You, Sir.”

“That’s right. Your warm little mouth, your soft hands, your beautiful body… that all belongs to me.”

I exhale slowly at the realization. “Yes, Sir.”

I feel your finger crook into the blindfold and slowly pull it over my head, discarding it on the floor. I look up at you, my eyes glazing over a bit.

“Eyes down.” I lower my head, and you walk towards the bedside table. You stand over me and I feel the soft leather of the crop drape down my cheek. You place it under my chin and push my head up. Our eyes meet and the intense gaze you have makes my body tremble and my hands start to twitch and turn to tightly grasp my thighs.

SMACK! The crop slaps down on my hand and I quickly return them to their position. You kneel down and become eye level with me. Again, you take the chain of the leash and tug it slightly, bringing my lips to yours. Your kiss is slow and passionate, with a slight nip to my bottom lip as you part from me.

“Get on the bed and bend over, all fours.” I stand and climb upon the soft satin sheets. I part my legs and lean over, squeezing the fabric between my fingers. “Head down, ass up.” My face grazes the enticing material, spreading my legs even further completely exposing myself to you. “Yes… you are being such a good girl.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

You grab a brand new paddle from the bedside table and slap your palm with it a few times, your eyes running up and down my body. A smile slowly grows on your face, and it makes me squirm and bite my lip once more. You walk behind me, out of sight. I feel your warm, soft hand caress my behind. Your touch is so gentle and inviting.

“Last time you were able to take 10 strikes with my hand. I want to see how many you can take with this, okay?”

I nod and prepare for the harsh, sweet contact that is about to come. “I know we are both curious about your endurance, so let’s test it shall we?”

“Yes, Sir.”

I close my eyes, smiling in secret. My neck feels a tug as you pull the leash’s chain down alman porno my spine, firmly holding me in place. “Ready?”


SMACK!! I instantly gasp at the contact. My legs buckle and shake as the sensation pours a warmth down my legs. SMACK!! Again, tense up. I can feel my flesh heat and start to swell slightly. Two, three, four more times you give me the sweet assault I so desperately crave. My toes curl from the rising sting. The sexual charge in me is extreme and intoxicating.

“Doing alright?” Your fingers brush my tender, red flesh.

I whimper and moan. I am incapable of words.

“Answer me.”

“Ah.. yes, I’m alright, Sir.”

“What are the safe words?”

“Yellow and red.”

“Very good…” SMACK!! Again the paddle strikes me. My skin starts to burn and tingle. My hands grip the sheets hard. “Safe wording yet, my dear?”

“N..no, Sir.”

SMACK!! This time I scream out. I feel the moisture of my arousal start to run down my thighs. This strike leaves my legs numb and I collapse slightly.

“I know your body. I think we shall stop for now.”

I feel your cool breath blow on the heated welts you’ve created. I moan low in my throat. It feels amazing. “Be back in a moment.” You leave the room and I take slow, deep breaths, relishing in the sweet sting of my skin. When you return you have a folded white sheet. You set it on the end of the bed.

“Sit on this, please.” I reposition and slowly lower onto the sheet. It is cold, and I realize you must have refrigerated it. I let out a long sigh of relief and throw my head back.

“Thank you… thank you so much, Sir.”

“You’re very welcome. Willing to continue another test of endurance?”

I look deep into your eyes. We are feeding off of each other’s excitement. “Five minutes please, Sir?”

“Certainly.” You sit in a nearby chair, cross your legs, and watch me. After a few moments of silence, you speak softly to me. “I think you are doing very well. The paddle is a lot more intense than my hand. Are you satisfied with what you have accomplished?”

“Oh yes.”

“Did you enjoy it?”

“I still am, Sir.” The sting still lingers and the tingling is driving me insane.

“Mmm… as am I… ready for more?”

I nod, smiling sweetly at you.

“Expose those beautiful breasts please.”

I reach up and slide down the straps of my lingerie, letting my heavily aroused breasts fall out, my nipples erect with anticipation. Your eyes are drawn to them, and I see you bite your lip slightly.

“Pinch them.” My mouth opens as I exhale and I glide my fingertips up my chest. I clamp down hard on my nipples, tugging and twisting. You groan and lick your lips, but your body remains completely still. I am in awe of your proficient self-control. “Does that feel good?”

“Yes, Sir,” I whisper breathlessly. I continue to tease myself, my skin becoming heated, as the delightful pain on my ass starts to fade.

Your eyes darken. “Pull harder.” I grasp my nipples tightly in my fingers and tug with all my might. I cry out in pleasure. “Doing alright?”

“Yes… ah… yes, alexis texas porno Sir.”

“Good… harder.” I pull more, my skin stretching as far as it can. I throw my head back and twist roughly. My eyes flicker moans pour out of my mouth. “Oh, you look so sexy this way… such a good girl. You may lessen your grip a bit.”

You stand and walk leisurely toward me. “Take out my cock.” I start to reach my hands toward your zipper. “No… no keep pinching them.” I smile up at you. I know what you want. My hands return to my aching nipples as I take your zipper between my teeth and gently pull it down. Your hardened cock releases and your give a sigh of relief. “Mmm, yes. See what you do to me?”

I nod, staring at your cock with adoration.

“You make me so hard. Put that beautiful mouth on it.” I lean in and rub my lips along the shaft slowly. I stare up at you and your cock starts to stir and throb as my tongue swipes around the head. The warmth of my mouth makes your grit your teeth in satisfaction. I worship you slowly, tenderly, enjoying the taste of you.

“Another test of endurance, my dear.” Your hands tangle in my hair and pull me deeper onto you. Your strong grip controls my speed, taking you all the way down my throat and back again. Suddenly, you shove your cock roughly all the way inside, blocking my windpipe. My face grazes your stomach and the buildup of tears makes everything start to blur. “Hold…”

I relax my throat and feel you fill me completely. It takes everything in my power to resist choking. “Good… a little longer.” The tears overflow my eyes and start to drip slowly down my cheeks. I start to struggle a bit as my need for a breath increases. “Amazing…” You release me and I gasp for air. “Okay for one more?” I nod as I clear my throat. “Open.” Again your cock claims my throat. I struggle a little more this time, but still remain obedient. You count slowly as tears run down my face. I gaze up at you, taking in your pleasure as my own. When you reach 15 seconds I tap your thigh and you release me. Your slippery, wet cock hardens more still as you enjoy my dedication to you. “Very… very good girl.” You are almost breathless. “Are you ready for your reward?”

I smile broadly, “Yes, Sir.”

You lean down and kiss down my neck. You give a slight nip to my ear as you whisper, “You have done so well. You deserve it. Turn around, all fours.”

My pussy instantly moistens. I position on the bed, presenting myself to you. You grasp my hips and slide your cock slowly into me, letting me feel very inch of you. We both moan loudly with the first initial thrust. You fill me so perfectly. Your grip on my body hardens as you start to pick up speed and drive into me. Your hand reaches down and grabs the leash, pulling it back and using it for leverage. You fuck me hard and fast and I feel the familiar cool rush take over my body. I’m about to cum.

“Go ahead…” Your words trigger me and I clench hard around your cock. I scream out in pleasure as the sensation of my orgasm temporarily paralyze me… an intense state of euphoria. “Yes… yes, ah such a good girl…” You yank my hair back as you cum hard into my throbbing pussy. Your moans are loud and deep as you let yourself release.

We slowly collapse onto the bed, our rapid heartbeats resonating through each others bodies. Your hand strokes my hair gently as you kiss my back. Not another word has to be spoken…

The Adventures of Lexi Ch. 01


Chapter 01 – The Transformation

It’s not easy being a college freshman. After my eighteenth birthday last week, my parents told me that they were cutting off my allowance. It didn’t take long for me to realize that I needed a job, and fast.

Since I needed a job with flexible hours, due to my full schedule of classes, my choices were limited. After responding to several want ads, the only call back I got was from a babysitting company. The hours were flexible, but were also usually on weekend nights. I guess this was a sacrifice I had to make.

It didn’t take long for me to get my first assignment. I was given an address and told to be there promptly at 8pm. Mr. Johnson greeted me when I arrived.

“Hello, you must be the sitter. I’m sorry that we’re in such a rush, but my brother-in-law had a last minute emergency and had to drop off his kid for the night. Unfortunately we couldn’t cancel our plans. He dropped off everything that you should need to get you through the nigh. Feel free to call us if you have any problems.”

He seemed a little anxious that Mrs. Johnson wasn’t ready for the party yet. Seeing that he had some time, Mr. Johnson briefly showed me around the house.

They lived in a posh neighborhood with large properties and plenty of privacy. Their house has five bedrooms and six bathrooms, I couldn’t believe how much space they had. After a brief tour, Mr. Johnson introduced me to their 1 year old nephew, Aaron. Since I have two younger brothers I already knew the ins and outs of taking care of a baby.

It wasn’t until 8:30 that Mrs. Johnson flew down the stairs and rushed to get her coat on. I only caught a glimpse of her tight red dress, but she look spectacular. She couldn’t be any older than 30 and was obviously much younger than her husband. She had bright red hair that flowed over the top of her bare shoulders. I’m six feet tall and she looked to be about as tall as me but its hard to tell since she was wearing heels what must have been at least four inch heels. I could barely keep my eyes from following her incredible legs as her thighs disappeared under her tight red dress.

I snapped out of it as she ran over to the door.

“Honey, this is the babysitter the company sent over. His name is Michael.”

I extended my hand and said “Hello Mrs. Johnson.” But was abruptly cut off.

“Don’t be silly, call me Jessica. We should be back by midnight.”

She briefly shook my hand as they ran out the door.

I never expected that this is what my Friday nights would be like now that I’m a college man, but I guess I had to make the best of it. After a quick feeding and diaper change Aaron was already asleep and it was only 9 o’clock. I had some time to kill before they got home so I decided to watch some TV.

After about a half an hour of trying to get their home theater working I decided to pop in a movie instead. Their entertainment center had two large DVD drawers under the TV. The first one I looked through was filled with cheesy romantic comedies and chick flicks, not exactly what I had in mind. The second drawer was much more interesting. There were several porno DVDs, but what really caught my eye was the stack of unlabeled VHS tapes.

Curious, I popped one in and could tell that it was a home movie. It looked like the camera was propped up in the corner of a large room filled with plush velvet furniture. The picture quality wasn’t very good and the room was dark, but I could see that there were about a dozen people in the room and all appeared to be paired up. The women were all in various states of undress and I thought I saw Jessica making out with someone who was definitely not Mr. Johnson. In fact, it looked like she was making out with another woman.

I’ve heard about parties like this, but I never would have guessed that the Johnson’s were into this. I was starting to get horny just thinking about Jessica with another woman but the video quality was just awful. I tried several other tapes and they all looked like they were filmed in the same room. Each tape must have been a different party, but I noticed that Jessica was always with another woman. I noticed Mr. Johnson in some of the tapes, and he was always with a different woman each time too.

After getting bored of the grainy videos I decided to explore the house a little. I wandered through the main floor of the house, poking my head into each room. Their house was huge but seemed a bit boring, especially given the types of parties they liked.

Eventually I made my way down to the basement when I immediately recognized the room from all of the tapes. There was a large room filled with couches and seats that were all upholstered in red velvet. There was a bar in the far corner surrounded by several more large chairs. The walls were relatively bare with some mirrors and large metal rings positioned throughout the room.

There was a small oddly shaped room with a thick leather door against one wall. I poked my head in for a closer 1080 porno look. The room was quite cramped and appeared to be about three feet long by two feet wide and was tapered at one end. There was a padded bar on the floor on one end of the room and a strange piece of furniture in the middle. I couldn’t figure out what it was, but it looked a little like one of those ergonomic chairs with no back that you use your knees and lean forward. It was also covered in the same red velvet as the rest of the furniture. I couldn’t resist running my hand along the fabric. It was incredibly soft and the padding seemed very firm.

There didn’t seem to be anything else to see downstairs so I made sure I put everything back the way I found it before heading back upstairs.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was only 10:30, so I continued my exploring upstairs.

Each of the bedrooms upstairs was well decorated and appeared to be reserved for guests. The last room I came to was the master suite. I have never seen anything like it before. The room was gigantic with a king size bed in the middle. The bed had a red velvet canopy draped over four poles at each corner of the bed. The bed was covered in red satin sheets and a light blanket was folded at the foot. I couldn’t resist lying down in the bed, I’ve never felt satin sheets before.

As I lay down in their bed I couldn’t stop thinking about Jessica in that red dress and what she must be doing at that party.

The master suite had his and hers walk in closets on opposite sides of the bathroom. I slowly crept into the closet on the left side and saw a pile of dirty clothes on the floor. I realized that I must be in Jessica’s closet when I noticed a pair of silk panties on top of the pile of clothes. Nervously I reached down to pick up her panties and brought them to my face.

I was getting incredibly horny as I smelled her scent on the panties. I noticed that there was something wet and sticky in the crotch. I brought her soiled panties to my mouth and licked the wet sticky cream off the crotch of her panties. My tongue and lips were coated with her stciky juices. I was overwhelmed by her sweet taste and I licked my lips clean.

Looking around the room I saw an entire wall dedicated to silky lingerie. She had another wall dedicated to shoes, almost all high heels. The third wall was filled with dresses.

I don’t know what came over me, but standing in her closet surrounded by her lingerie I got a twisted idea. I ripped off my clothes and pulled her moist panties up my legs. The silky material felt so good against my skin. She must have a smaller waist than me because her panties felt tight around my cock, but it felt so good to feel her moist panties pressed against me. I noticed that the snug fit of the panties kept my cock in place and prevented me cock from getting erect.

I reached for one of her nighties and pulled it over me. My head was swimming as I rubbed my cock through the silky fabric. The feeling of the silky fabric rubbing against my skin and my cock sent waves of pleasure through my body.

Finally I took a pair of her high heels and put them on. I’ve never worn heels before and was a little wobbly at first. I started to get the hang of walking in heels as I practiced walking around her bedroom.

All of a sudden I heard the bedroom door open. I didn’t know what to do. My pulse was racing. I was frozen in place. The next thing I know, Jessica is standing a few feet in front of me.

“Well, what do we have here?”


“I’m guessing you didn’t expect me to come home this early did you.”

All I could do was feebly shake my head no. She reached into her purse and pulled out a small digital camera. before I could react she took several pictures of my standing their in her lingerie and high heels.

“I never would have guessed that you were a sissy. I guess you have the body for it. Tall and thin, you could make a very convincing woman.”

What was she saying? Sissy? Not me, I was just having fun.

“Stay here.”

She disappeared into her closet and came out with a blond wig. I pulled back as she reached out to put it on me.

“Your not putting that on me. I’m not a sissy. I’m a man!”

“I don’t think you understand. If you don’t play along with me I can put those pictures of you all over campus.”

I was shocked. What did I get myself into.

“If you play along with me everything will stay between us. How does that sound?”

I couldn’t believe what was happening to me, but I would do anything to keep this from getting out. I slowly nodded my head in agreement. But I must have looked scared because she added “And don’t worry about Mr. Johnson coming home anytime soon. He decided to stay behind at the party.”

“Now that we have a deal, come over here so I can put this on you.”

She adjusted the wig and took a few steps back to get a good look at me. She lifted up the nightie and roughly grabbed 2 k porno my semi hard cock through her panties. The tightness was still preventing me from being at full attention.

As she released her grip she said “This will do just fine. Have a seat over here.”

Jessica motioned for me to sit down at her makeup table. After 20 minutes she had given me a complete makeover. I could barley recognize myself. Jessica disappeared into her closet again as I stared at myself in the mirror. She returned with a bra in one hand, matching the panties I was already wearing, and in her other hand she had something that I didn’t recognize.

She came up behind me and pushed the nightie straps off my shoulders. Taking each arm she slowly put the bra on me. Looking at myself in the mirror I thought I looked ridiculous wearing a bra with no boobs. After getting me strapped in she pushed something into each cup of the bra and instantly I had breasts. After pulling the nightie back up to cover the bra, I realized that she was right and I did make a convincing woman.

“You look beautiful. But I don’t know what to call you. Mike certainly won’t do. How about Lexi? Do you like what you see Lexi?”

“Yes Mrs. Johns..”

“Jessica dear. Call me Jessica. Now lets see just how much you like being a girl.”

Jessica moved over to her bed pulled off her dress and tossed it to the floor. I couldn’t believe what was happening. This gorgeous red headed beauty was standing in front of me wearing nothing but a pare of panties.

She turned her back to me as she rearranged the pillows on her bed. She jumped on the bed and propped herself against the pillows with her legs spread apart facing me.

“Now come over here and lick my pussy.”

I didn’t hesitate. I ran over to her as fast as my heeled feet allowed. I ripped off her panties and started to lick her pussy. She was already very moist and I loved the sweet taste of her pussy. I wrapped my arms around her legs grabbing a thigh in each hand so that I could pull her pussy closer to me. It took me a few sloppy passes of my tongue before I started to be more methodical.

I started at the bottom of her pussy and slowly brought my tongue up parting her lips as I worked my tongue from side to side. I could taste sweet juices I passed over her hole. When my tongue made it way to her clit I would apply more pressure and make slow circles. I could tell that she was enjoying this as she moan with every one.

“Oh yes, Lexi. Don’t stop, don’t stop.” Jessica quickly went from moaning to screaming as she came. I could feel her entire body shudder as I continued to lick up her juices.

After she settled down she reached over and opened up her night stand. She grabbed something and stood up. I couldn’t quite tell but it looked like a dildo. Before I knew what she was doing she turned around and had a large cock strapped to her pussy and a tube of KY jelly in her hand.

“Now it’s your turn Lexi. Turn around.”

I slowly complied, unsure of what she had in mind. Then I felt her push me over the edge of the bed. I stood there with my panty covered ass sticking out. As she spread my legs spread apart I had to clutch on to her bed to that I wouldn’t fall over. She didn’t give me a chance to resist and quickly pushed one of her fingers into my ass. I’ve never felt anything quite like it before. I never even thought about trying anal sex but this felt good.

After several seconds of her sliding her finger in and out of me I felt something cold pressing against my backside. Slowly it dawned on me. She was going to fuck me like a woman, and I was going to enjoy it.

Fortunately she moved slowly. I felt my insides filling up as she slide her fake cock into me. I couldn’t believe that she was going to get that whole cock inside of me. It looked huge. At first it was uncomfortable but then I started to loosen up. After a few minutes of her fucking my ass I could tell that I was going to lose it. I let out a loud scream as I came in her panties.

She must have known what happened because she then pulled her cock out of me. I was exhausted and fell to my knees.

She sat down on the bed and straddled her legs on either side of my head. She lifted my head and placed it on her thigh. I was again staring right into her beautiful pussy. Her short red hairs were matted down from sweat and fell into crimson curls around her lips.

“Not bad for a first time. Now I need to ask you for a favor.”

At this point I would say yes to anything.

“We are having a party tomorrow night and one of my friends had to cancel. Cassie was scheduled to be in the box but since she can’t make it we have an opening. Would you like to join us?”

What could I say, who wouldn’t want to join Jessica for one of her parties.


“Perfect. Now let me get you an appropriate outfit to wear.”

Once again she got up and disappeared into her closet. When she returned her arms were full. 3 k porno She picked out a simple floral print dress that would only come halfway down my thighs. She handed me a matching blue silk set of bra and panties. She also gave me a black garter belt and sheer stockings to go with the four inch heels.

She also handed me and trench-coat and said that I certainly couldn’t go home looking like I did.

I was starting to feel like I might be part of the entertainment instead of just a guest. I didn’t care. As long as I could taste Jessica’s sweet pussy again I would do anything.

She told me to be back there tomorrow at 8pm and to shave my entire body.

She handed me a bag to carry my new wardrobe and I put on the trench-coat. I felt ridiculous walking back to the dorms dressed like this. I could only hope that nobody would recognize me.

As I walked back to campus I could feel my cum dripping from Jessica’s panties and running down my leg. I was afraid that I would draw more attention to myself if I left a trail of cum in the dorm so I reached down and used my finger to wipe it off my thigh. Now what? Since I didn’t have anything to wipe it off on and I was clearly not thinking straight anyway I put my finger to my mouth and licked my own cum off. I don’t know why I did it, but I didn’t mind the taste. It was salty and musty, and when mixed with the taste of Jessica in my mouth it made me even hornier. I used my hand to wipe the rest of my juices from my cock and legs and licked up every drop.

I was so exhausted when I got back to the dorm that I took off the trench-coat and flopped onto my bed. It was already 2pm when I finally woke up. It took me a little while to remember what had happened last night – it still felt like a dream. Once I realized that I was still wearing Jessica’s nightie and panties it all came back to me. I looked at the clock and realized that I didn’t have anytime to mess around. I didn’t want to be late for the party.

I felt silly wearing the outfit she gave me without any makeup on, but I didn’t have a choice. Jessica answered the door wearing a short silk robe that barely covered anything.

“Right on time. I like that in a girl.”

She gave me a quick peck on the lips and pulled me inside.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Johnson is out running some errands before the party. We have plenty of time to finish you up before the guests arrive.”

She led me back to her bedroom and proceeded to give me a full makeover. This time she added a pair of fake eyelashes. After she was done I couldn’t believe the gorgeous blond that was staring back at me. I would have fucked myself if given the chance!

She told me to make myself comfortable while went to her closet to her herself ready. I headed straight for the nightstand to get a closer look at what she fucked me with last night. It was a large realistic looking cock attached to a leather harness. There is no way that this fit inside of me…

When Jessica came back into the room she was only wearing a black garter belt and black high heels. Her firm breast looked incredible. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on her again.

“I see someone wants another round with my strap-on. You’re a naughty girl, aren’t you. Don’t worry there will be plenty of time for that later. First, I need to loosen up before the party.”

She took a seat on a plush armchair on the far side of the room and motioned for me to come over. I dropped the fake cock and quickly ran over to her. She pulled my face down to hers and gave me a deep kiss. Her smooth lips tasted like candy. She then pushed my head down to her waiting pussy. I took my position on my knees between her stretched out legs. I could already smell her and could see the moistness of her pussy in her glistening curls of hair. I licked her with everything that I had. I loved the taste of her juices and couldn’t get enough. When she finally came her cum dripped down my chin. She used her finger to wipe it off my chin and then licked it off herself. She pulled me back up for another kiss and then told me to wait for her in the living room downstairs.

Shortly after I sat down in the living room I heard her husband come home. He headed straight upstairs without noticing me. I was getting about what might happen if found out what I had done with his wife. After about 15 more minutes of waiting Jessica appeared in the doorway. She was a knockout. She was wearing a silky green dress that fell loose on her chest. I could tell from he cleavage that if she leaned forward at all you would be able to see both of her firm breasts clearly. Her dress was tight around her flat belly and opened up again at her waist. It was so short that it barely covered her sweet pussy that I could still taste on my lips.

She came over to me and gave me another deep passionate kiss. As she kissed me I could feel something thick in her mouth. I felt her pushing it into my mouth with her tongue and started swallowing it without hesitation. I could tell that she must have just given Mr. Johnson a blow job. His cum still felt hot in my mouth as I tried hard to swallow it all. Some of his cum dripped out of the side of my mouth and down my chin. I used my finger to wipe it up and proceeded to lick my finger clean

The First Time


If you have read my stories before you know that I’m Finnish guy who doesn’t write in English as well as someone who is from an English-speaking country. So, I apologize beforehand about my mistakes or odd lines. Without good editor helping me I couldn’t publish this story. So thanking her very much! My stories consist of some elements that many can think of as weird or perverted. If that’s your case, then you are warned! 😉

I have always been interested in kinky stuff in sex and submission. I often try to find new things to experience. Once you have tried something you like, you want it more and you are ready to take steps that you didn’t imagine taking. Small steps can take you places that would have been no-no’s in the past. That has happened to me.

One of the biggest turn-ons to me has been anal pleasures. When I was younger, I fantasized about being a lesbian girl taken by woman with her strap-on. This fantasy grew from a porno I saw called Paprica. There the brothel Madame fucked one of her girls with a strap-on. I had never seen anything like that before. It affected me a lot. Years later, the internet came and gave me a lot of information about sex. Then I found out that I could also be fucked with a strap-on, even though I’m a man.

I had only few tries with my own fingers when I decided to meet an escort who also did kinky stuff. She was a nice person, but the experience was quick. She grabbed my cock and put her finger in my ass and I came at once. I was young and very horny. I would have liked it to have lasted longer, but it let me know it can feel very nice. It didn’t take much time before I decided to have a new experience with a professional domme. She fucked me with a little strap-on and massaged my cock at the same time. Again I didn’t last very long, but it was a nice experience, too. Then, through the years I had more experiences with bdsm and anal play. Most of them were good.

In my head I had been fantasizing that I could give great pleasure to my fucker. I think a few women can get orgasms when fucking with strap-on. Maybe with vibrator attached to it or something but not directly from my ass. Then I came across transsexuals on the internet. When I was young and read porno magazines, I had seen trans people there, but the dick on the girl had been a big turn off. But now it felt a little interesting. I looked at pics from them and had seen a few movies. Most I found too manly, but there were also very feminine ones who I found sexy. The next step I took was trying to find transsexual escorts. There were a few foreign ones, but most of their appearances didn’t excite me.

One day I found an ad that belonged to a trans escort who had leather clothes and looked like a very feminine domina. I decided that if some day we were in same town, I would see her. It was an easy decision. Her tour only went through the bigger cities in my country and I lived in a smaller town. One sex izle day my boss said that I should take a business trip to another city and stay there overnight. At home I looked on the internet to see if there would be an interesting companion for me at night. And there she was, the transsexual escort who I had fantasized about meeting.

When I arrived at my hotel in the afternoon I thought and thought. Could I see her? I had sent her an email and she had answered my questions nicely. I thought I had no excuse. Nervously I called her. We agreed on meeting at her hotel.

She gave me the opening codes for the hotel doors, and before I knew it, I was behind her hotel room’s door. It was little open because she knew I was coming and wanted to get me in without noise. She stood behind the door and let me in. She looked like her pictures. She had very little on. She was ready for action. I nervously gave her the money and she ordered me to undress and put my clothes on one chair. She saw my nervousness and “fucked” me with my clothes on from behind and laughed when I was bending to take my socks off.

When I was naked she asked me to go shower and to use plenty of shampoo between my legs. I did go to the bathroom. Suddenly she came into the bathroom, too. She told me to bend over the sink. When I was in the position, she penetrated me with a small syringe, and gave me little enema. She ordered me to evacuate that first and then clean myself in the shower. I did as told.

She was waiting for me sitting on the bed. When I came in she stood up and pushed me against the wall. She started kissing me and her tongue was soon in my mouth. She was a very good kisser. My nervousness went off and I was turned on. While kissing, she took my hand and put her semi-erect cock in to it. It felt odd. I had never had a penis in my hand other than my own. But it also felt familiar because it’s something I had, too. I massaged it slowly and cautiously. She also took my penis in her hand and made more demanding moves.

The next new experience came when she asked if I would prefer a condom also in oral sex or not. I have always practiced safe sex, so I said I would like condoms. So, she took a condom and put it on her penis. I then realized that it would be me who would take the penis in the mouth. I tried to say, “I don’t know if I’m ready to do that because it’s my first time.” She looked in my eyes and asked me if I was a virgin. I said, “This was my first time with transsexual.” She had a wicked smile.

She said that everybody wants to at some point take a cock in the mouth and give her oral, and I should do it also. She promised to give me a reward after.

Slowly I went down and took a grip from the base of her cock. Then I took little of it in my mouth and sucked it. She didn’t like my effort. She asked me to take my hand off her penis and instead pushed her cock all the way in, taking a firm grip alt yazılı porno of my head with her both hands. She fucked my face and I tried not to gag.

After a few minutes of oral sex, she ordered me to stand next to the bed and bend over it. I did what was asked and knew what was coming. “Have you taken other things in your ass?” she asked. I told her that I have a little experience but never took anything big inside of me. “Okay, we will soon know if you are a liar.” I heard a snap that came from a disposable glove. Then came a small syringe again, which I think sprayed lubricant in my ass. “Relax!” she said and slapped my bottom. Maybe she saw that I was everything but relaxed because what she did next was she went on her knees behind me and I felt her tongue on my anus. I had never experienced that before. I jumped a little in the air when that happened, but then her slow movements with her tongue relaxed me and it started to feel very pleasant.

After she felt I was relaxed enough and even more turned on, she placed her index finger on my anus and pushed it all the way in with one movement. I was so relaxed that I didn’t have time to react before it was in. It felt immediately good. “You are tight like you said but can also relax. I think I will have good time with you. Hope you are not in a hurry,” she said. I answered something about having plenty of time.

She massaged my ass with her finger for some time and added another finger when I was relaxed for the intruder, and then more when I was adapted to that. At the end, I had four fingers inside me and she teased me also with her thumb next to my opening saying, “Let’s turn this into a fisting session!” She must have seen my horrified look when she started to laugh.

“I think you are as ready as you can be,” she said and took her fingers out and took off the glove. “I will put a better condom on,” she told me. I saw the package had text that read ‘analsex’. They were thicker and lubricated. It had a transparent pink color. “Little girl power for you,” she said when she saw me looking. “Stick that ass high, elbows on the bed, and arch you back,” she commanded.

She guided her cock from the base to my hole and her other hand spread my ass cheeks. I felt the pressure. The cock was a harder instrument than I had thought. It wasn’t soft meat. She increased the pressure little by little and changed her angle a little to find the way in. Then I felt it coming in a little. I felt sharp pain. She was big. I had never had any big toy inside so this was the biggest I had ever had. She eased a bit but she was quickly pushing again. A new sharp pain happened, but it was not as bad as the first time. She must have felt that because now she didn’t stop. She pressed in slowly without stopping until her hips were against my bottom. “Ooohhh, you are tight indeed!” she said when pausing her movement when all the way in. Then altyazılı sex izle she made little movements back and forth. Little by little the movement was longer. Still, she moved slowly. It felt a little uncomfortable but there was no pain. I remembered having pain with a lot smaller dildos in the past. She must be good at her work. She relaxed me and got me so turned on that I could adapt quickly to her monster.

Slowly she took her penis all the way out. It hurt a bit when her glans went through the backdoor. She put more lubricant in me with a syringe. This time she smeared my ass with a big load of it. “And then the real fucking begins,” she announced.

Her penis was again pressing against my anus. Without stopping, she just pushed it in and not as slow as before! When in, she ordered me on my hands and knees on the bed keeping the cock inside whole time. “Put your legs a little closer to each other so I have a better angle.” She trained me. And then it began. She fucked me just pleasuring herself without thinking much of me. We changed positions many times and when I was on my back, she lifted my legs on her elbows. Then I had a condom on my penis and she gave me oral at the same time when she was fucking me! That was amazing. It was intense prostate stimulation and awesome oral sex at the same time. It didn’t take long to fill my condom. When she had sucked every drop from me she just turned me doggy again and fucked me faster than ever. I felt a little pain because I had orgasmed. But this was just for her. She had decided to take her pleasure from me. When I felt I couldn’t take any more, she pumped her semen inside the condom. I felt the jets and pulsating of her cock. It was amazing feeling this in my ass and also in my head. Someone had orgasmed inside my ass.

She rested lying on my back. When she was completely limp, she stood up to lose the condom. I did the same. Then we lied on the bed caressing each other. There were no words. Then we went to shower and washed each other from head to toe.

When I was putting my jeans on and leaving, she suddenly stopped me and took my jeans off. “You will give me round two before you leave,” she announced. She was stiff like a rock again and put on a condom. She fucked me against the wall kissing and biting my neck. She had decided to make it fast. She fucked fast and massaged my penis in quick pace. I came again and soon she was also in her orgasm. That was even more amazing than the first round. This time it certainly wasn’t just a job to be done for her. It was something she wanted and that something was me.

We kissed and I did a quick cleanup in bathroom. I left to my hotel with kisses at the door. I maybe have had the best sex ever and I had not penetrated anyone. I was the only one who was used but it felt so good.

My ass felt odd a few days after. I had never fucked so much and with something so big. I saw her almost ten years later in another city. She immediately remembered me and we continued from we had left off years ago.

If anyone liked my story, I would like to know. My stories are for little audiences. Not a mainstream. So, if someone liked it, I would be glad to know. 🙂

Tantalising Tanya Ch. 01


Tanya stumbled tipsily up the stairs, cursing her misfortune that night. Her boyfriend had been grinding against her in the club all evening, and she’d been looking forward to a long, drunken fuck once they’d got home. She knew he’d been feeling the same way; she had felt his long dick crawl down the leg of his jeans as she pressed against him on the dance-floor, and he’d been talking dirty to her all night, whispering the filthy plans he had once they got back. Now though, he was collapsed on the sofa in a drunken stupor, and for now, nothing she could do could raise him. Both figuratively and literally!

Her high heels clicked over the wooden floor as she reached the top of the stairs, and she tried her best to remember where the bathroom was. Chancing her arm, she tried the first door she came across. Instead of a bright, shiny bathroom, however, she stumbled into a darkened bedroom; her boyfriends brother, was sitting up in bed, looking startled as he hurriedly shut the laptop resting on the covers. As he shut it, the covers slid down, exposing his bare muscular chest to her.

“Whoops! Hi Mike. I didn’t realise you were home…..I didn’t realise anyone was home but us!” Tanya said cheerily, checking that she wasn’t slurring too much. “How’re you?”

“Not too bad Tanya. And you?” Mike replied, still flustered from her surprise entry. “Have you had a good night?”

“Yeah not too bad. We we’ve just gotten back from the club down the street. It was jammed” Tanya replied, a little too loudly. In her horny drunken state, she’d already begun to check out her boyfriends’ younger brother. She’d only met him a few times before, when he suddenly appeared home for university, and she’d never paid much attention beforehand. Now she noticed what a specimen he was, particularly without his top on; his muscular pecs were smooth and tanned, and his arms were nicely toned. She was craving male attention, and thoughts of finding the bathroom were forgotten for now. “James has collapsed downstairs though; he’s still a lightweight, and he can never say no to tequila!”

“Some things never change, do they!” Mike quipped, seemingly becoming more comfortable in her presence.

“No. No they don’t. So how long are you back from Uni for?”

“Until the end of August. I’ve got the whole summer ahead of me.”

“Excellent!” Tanya grinned, “You need to come out with us some night. I can hook you up with one of my friends. Or do you have someone special waiting for you back at Uni?”

Mike blushed adorably “No…..No I’m single. I don’t have much luck with girls”

“Why not honey. You’re quite a catch, if you don’t mind me saying” Tanya was growing bolder, and was sitting on the corner of the bed now. One hand reached out to stroke Mike’s leg through his thin bed sheets, and she crossed her legs, giving Mike an alluring glimpse of thigh as her skirt rode up.

“I don’t know. I just get nervous I guess.” Mike mumbled.

Tanya smiled softly as her hand still stroked, moving up over his knee onto Mike’s muscular thigh. “That’s OK honey, everyone gets nervous. You’re only nineteen, you’ve plenty of time yet” Tanya’s grin widened as she looked up at him. “I’ll tell you what. Why don’t you practice on me?”

“What do you mean?” Mike replied warily.

“Try talking to me like you’re trying to pull me. Like we just met at a party. Like…..like you’re trying to get me back into your bed” she giggled.

“Are you sure Tanya?”

“Yeah. Or am I not your type?” she pouted cutely, enjoying how easy it was to toy with him.

“No. God no. You’re beautiful. You’re perfect!” he exclaimed

She smiled sweetly as her hand still stroked his thigh. “You’re off to a really good start there Mike. A nice compliment always helps to break the ice. So how would you continue?”

“I’d……offer you a drink?” Mike said nervously.

“Very good!” she beamed, enjoying herself immensely. She was only three years older than Mike, but he was being as obedient and cute as a puppy dog. “Mines a Jack Daniels. Neat. I like a good stiff one!” she giggled again at her own joke, but it seemed to go over Mikes head.

“And now what Tanya? This is where I get tongue-tied!”

“Well you could talk about yourself Mike? Just be confident in what you’ve got. Or if you’re really stuck, you could give her another compliment…..”

“Like what?”

“On her eyes? Or her hair? Or what she’s wearing? Anything really. What about me, do you like what I’m wearing?”

Tanya stood up from the bed and held his gaze as she ran her hands down her body, smoothing her dress. The low-cut blue number clung to her body, and ended inches below her hips. The six-inch heels she wore accentuated her long legs, and she knew that they were beautiful, smooth and sleek. She knew her make-up was still perfect, and she licked her lips as Mike ran his eyes down her body, loving the effect she was having on him. As his eyes continued down, she gave him a spin, and hiked her skirt up so he could get a flash of her tiny black thong disappearing between her pert bum-cheeks.

“So what do you think?” she giggled. His face was flushed even more now; it made him look even cuter.

“You look amazing. That bayrampaşa escort dress looks wonderful on you!” he gulped.

“Why thank you sweetie!” she replied. As she spoke, she sauntered back towards the bed, loving the effect her body was having on Mike. She lay down and rested her head on the pillow beside him, fluttering her eyelashes as she stretched her legs over his body. Her nails ran lightly over his muscular chest as she whispered throatily “Now why don’t you tell me something about yourself…..sexy?”

“Like…..like what?” Mike stammered?

“I don’t know honey; anything really! What have you been up to tonight?”

“Nothing…..nothing special Tanya”

“Oh…..OK. Well then, what have you been watching on the laptop? Anything good?” As she held his gaze, she was already reaching down to the laptop, and opened it just as she finished speaking. The video restarted, and the low moans and slurping sounds confirmed her suspicions; he’d been watching porn when she stumbled in!

“Oh you naughty boy!” she chuckled “What have you been watching?”

“I…..that’s not…..I don’t…..”

She shushed him with a finger on his lips and a smile “I don’t mind Mike. We all do it. In fact I think it’s a turn-on. Let’s watch together.”

She snuggled next to him, her head resting on his shoulder as her nails continued to trace circles on his chest. She watched as a beautiful brunette slowly worked on a hard white dick. It wasn’t particularly long, but it was really fat, and the girl on her knees was really making a meal of it. Her lips stretched around his shaft, swallowing him deep before pulling it back out with a look of pleasure on her face. It looked amazingly hot, and Tanya could feel herself twitch in her lace panties.

“My God, she’s a lucky thing” Tanya breathed. Mike remained silent, staring at the laptop but occasionally glimpsing over at Tanya. She couldn’t make out what was going on under the sheets, but her roaming fingers found his nipples were as stiff as hers. As her nail trailed around them, Mike let out an involuntary moan.

“So Mike…..” Tanya murmured, “Have you ever had a blow-job like that?”

“What? Of course I’ve had blow-jobs!”

“But were they like that Honey? A really good, really sloppy…..”

Tanya trailed off as she watched. The girl on screen had spread her legs slightly, and a small but very hard cock was poking out between them. Her fingers wrapped around it and she stroked rapidly as she sucked. Tanya giggled in delight.

“You’re watching tranny porn?”

“I…..well…..” she’d never seen anyone look more flustered, and she felt sorry for him then, and moved her hand up to stroke his cheek softly.

“It’s OK baby. You can watch whatever you want.” she spoke softly, trying to soothe him as she pressed herself closer against him “Do you like them?”

“What?” he muttered

“Transsexuals?” Her heart was racing as she asked.

“Yeah” he mumbled as she stared at him, smiling softly.

“Well that’s good to know Mike.” She tried to conceal her excitement, but was less worried about concealing her stiff dick, and rubbed it against him a bit harder. “Lets keep watching.” They both turned back to the laptop, and her body was pressed tightly against his. The beautiful t-girl was jerking both cocks hard now, spitting on her partners fat dick as she moaned for cum. It made Tanya so horny, and she could feel her own hardness pressing against Mike leg. She needed to be bolder.

“You never answer my question babe,” she whispered softly in his ear. “Have you ever had a blow-job like that? Really dirty. Really nasty. Really fucking hot…..”

“I’ve had blow-jobs Tanya. But never like that. I’ve had…..size issues

Tanya wasn’t sure what he meant by that but let it pass “And have you ever been with a T-girl? Or is it just a fantasy?”

“No…..I wouldn’t know where to meet one….. where to start…..”

“Why not start right here honey?” she murmured, sliding her tongue in his ear as she ground her crotch against him, before she slowly began kissing her way down his neck.

“But…..fuck…..you’re my brothers…..you’re James girlfriend…..”

“That doesn’t matter right now Mike. What matters is that I’m here with you. I’m here for you…..” she grinned like a Cheshire cat before she moved excruciatingly slowly down his body. Her lips fluttered softly against his neck, before she trailed light kisses down Mike’s muscular chest. She was sure to pay special attention to each nipple, and sucked each one into her mouth. This caused a stream of throaty moans from above her, and confirmed her suspicions that his was the same as his brother; she’d never met men before with such sensitive nipples, and it really turned her on to tease them!

She continued her travels down her body, and was delighted to feel Mike’s hands stroke her long blonde hair softly. It spurred her on, and soon her kisses were trailing down the contours of his six-pack. She smiled up at him as she put the laptop to one side, and then trailed her tongue down from his bellybutton, sliding the sheets off him as she went. She finally reached the trimmed fuzz of his pubes, and secretly delighted escort bayan istanbul how close the scent was to that of his brothers. What she was doing was making her feel so nasty, and ran her nose through them before pulling the sheet down to finally expose what she’d been longing for.

“Fuck baby” she moaned softly, “When you said you had size issues, I didn’t know you meant this.” Mike was already hard as a rock, and she lowered her head below his dick to gaze up at it as she wrapped her long fingers around it. His cock was nearly eight inches long, and so fat; her fingers barely reached around it. The mushroom of his bell-end was even wider, and was a beautiful angry purple colour. He’d obviously been jerking it for a while before she came in, and the head was smeared with pre-cum. Big cocks obviously ran in the family; he was nearly as long as his brother, and even fatter.

“It’s so beautiful” Tanya breathed softly “Raise your knees for me so I can get a good look at your balls too”

“It’s…..it’s not too big?” Mike whispered nervously

Tanya ran her tongue up the inside of his thigh before grinning at him naughtily. “Whoever told you that didn’t know what she…..or he was missing. Now raise your knees for me”

He did what he was told, and Tanya licked her lips as his smooth balls came into view, hanging heavily below his fat shaft. She began stroking him softly with one hand as her other ran lightly over his swollen sac. Mike moaned immediately, long and loud, and kept stroking her hair.

“How long have you been jacking off for?”

“About half an hour. I like…..I like to make it last.”

“Hmmmm you naughty boy. And do you like me teasing you?”

“Goooodddd yes” he groaned, his eyes closed as he arched his back slightly.

Tanya smiled and repositioned herself between his legs. She was now kneeling with her head just over his dick, and her arse was up in the air. She knew her skirt had hiked up her hips, and the line of her lacy black thong was on display to Mike as she slowly caressed him.

“Do you like the view Mike?” she breathed, softly wanking his cock as she looked up at him

As he opened his eyes, she stared up at him, running her pink tongue over her lips again.

“Yeah. God yeah Tanya”

“Is this how you imagined your first time with a tranny?” she smiled expectantly.

“It’s even better,” he groaned.

“And why’s that?”

“Because…..because it’s you”

“Aww you’re so sweet honey. Have you had a crush on me Mike?”

“Yeah…..you’re gorgeous Tanya. You’re so beautiful.”

“And did you know…..about my secret?” Tanya began jacking him slightly harder and faster, watching a bead of precum ooze from his tip; it looked delicious!

“Yeah…..oh god that feels good…..yeah I knew.” Mikes moans were becoming louder and more intense as she stroked.

“How?” Her mouth was moving closer towards him. She knew he could feel his hot breath on him; her lips were millimetres away from his tip.

“”I saw you…..you and James…..last time I was home. I watched you and James fuck. You were riding him…..it was so fucking sexy”

“You dirty little pervert” she grinned “If I knew you were watching I would’ve invited you to join in. The only thing better than riding cock is having one in my mouth at the same time!” her lips brushed against his bell-end and he groaned in appreciation “Did you wank off watching us?”

“Yeah…..yeah Tanya I did” Mike whispered.

“Mmmmmmmmm” Tanya’s pink lips encircled the tip of his throbbing cock for a second, and her tongue flicked out against him before she pulled away. “God you taste good Mike. The thought of you watching me get used is doing bad things to me. I need to taste more”

Her tongue slid around him again, running light circles around his purple bell-end before her mouth worked down to the base of her shaft. Spurred on by Mikes moans, her tongue licked every inch of his meaty shaft. She loved the feeling of his cock throb under her touch, and the hornyness her boyfriend had caused tonight was only getting worse because of his sexy younger brother. She went back to wanking him softly as she rubbed his cock against her cheek.

“This is your brothers fault really baby.” she whispered, “He makes me so fucking randy without even trying. And then when he does try……fuck…..well I nearly explode with lust…..and then…..well I do silly things. You should hear the things he was whispering to me tonight…..”

“Like what?” Mike breathed, his fingers still running through Tanya’s long hair.

“Such naughty things.” she continued, “He was pulling me close against him on the dance floor, just I could feel how hard he was. He was whispering about how he should take me into the toilets so I could suck him off. He told me if anyone interrupted, I could service them as well. About how he’d love to watch me get covered in cum before he took me home to fuck my brains out. He wanted to treat me like a whore…..like a slut.”

“And did you like it?”

“I fucking loved it,” she moaned “Its his fault I’m here. Its his fault I need your dick”

Tanya’s tongue ran back down his shaft again, and taksim vip escort she planted little kisses over Mike’s smooth balls. Her own hidden cock was pulsing in her panties as she continued to talk dirty.

“He was rubbing me on the dance-floor. His hand was under my tiny dress, teasing me. Then he’d guide my hand down to his jeans. Showing off, showing how hard I made him. He was almost as hard as you are now.”

Mikes head was swimming as he felt Tanya move up his shaft again. Her lips and tongue only made the tiniest touches, but every one shot a bolt of electricity through his body. He kept eye contact with Tanya as she rested her lips against his bell-end, her eyes twinkling. As he groaned again, she slowly slid down. It looked wonderful; the contrast between her bright pink lips and his purple helmet was incredible, and the feeling was indescribable.

Tanya listened to the grunts of pleasure, and moaned softly herself as her lips travelled down Mike’s thick veiny cock. She’d been hungering for the taste all night, and now she wanted as much as she could. Her lips were stretched around his fat shaft, but she still managed to easily take the first five inches of him into her mouth. After pausing to catch her breath and give Mike a wink, she began to bob her head in his lap. She went slowly at first, savouring the feel of his skin against her lips and tongue, but soon her mouth was moving quicker, slipping most of his cock out of her mouth before she pulled him back inside. Before long, his stiff cock was wet with her drool and traces of lipstick were smeared over his throbbing pole. She pulled herself off entirely to admire her handiwork, and rubbed his bell-end against her lips as she whispered up at him.

“Have you ever fucked ass before Mike? Have you ever shoved this gorgeous monster up some sluts hot tight hole?”

“Noooooo” he groaned softly, thrusting his hips slightly to rub harder against her

“Would you like to?” she giggled, “Would you like to stretch out an asshole with this beautiful cock?”

“Fuuuuccckkk yes Tanya”

“Did you like watching me get pounded?” she growled sexily, “Did you feel dirty watching me grind on your brother? Is it my ass you’d like to fuck?”

Goooddd yes Tanya. I want you”

“What do you want honey?”

“Fuuuccckkk…..I want your ass…..I want to fuck your ass.” Mike practically shouted, overcome with pleasure.

“Good boy” Tanya smirked, “First though I need something from you. I need your cum”

She giggled again as she saw the bliss on Mikes face, and immediately plunged back down onto his cock. She went like a woman possessed, and soon had seven inches filling her mouth. Tanya began to bob again, more aggressively this time, and grunted throatily as she tried to take every inch. Mikes fingers were still tangled in her hair, and she reached up to guide him, urging him to push her down. She needed him in the back of her throat. Luckily, he was a quick learner, and soon his hips were thrusting harder; he began to fuck her mouth, easing further inside every time. Tanya needed more, and pulled away from his cock. Her face was contorted by lust, and she was still drooling as she looked up at him with fire in her eyes.

“Fuck me hard babe. Use me like a dirty whore. Fuck my slutty face until you’re ready to give me that load”

She plunged down again, and squeezed his balls hard. Mike began thrusting in earnest; he groaned loudly as he looked down at her; Tanya was holding her hair back with one hand, and he had a perfect view of his dick easing finally down her throat. Her lips touched the base of his shaft, and she held him there for what felt like forever before pulling back, gasping for air as she released his dripping wet dick.

“Again” she managed to moan before she went back to work. Neither of them had any inhibitions left, and both were grunting like animals as Mike used her pretty mouth. He was so close; he could feel his balls tighten as he fucked her face harder and faster. Tanya must have felt it too, and he felt one wet finger slide down over his tight arsehole to rim him gently. The new and unexpected sensation was too much, and he nearly screamed in orgasmic delight

“Ooooooohhhhh fuck Tanya here it comes. I’m going to shoot”

Without hesitation, Tanya’s pulled back up his dick and went back to his wet angry helmet. She kissed and sucked lightly as her finger continued to run rings around his hole, and her tongue flicked down the back of his ultra-sensitive bell-end. Mike gave a final thrust of his hips, and exploded with a throttled scream of lust. He watched in awe as Tanya worked his lips over his bell-end, sucking up as much of his spunk as she could. Even with her efforts, she couldn’t hold it all, and as rope after rope of sticky cum blasted from his dick, some trickled out from between her lips. If anything, it just made the sight more erotic, particularly when Tanya grinned up at him before opening her mouth, showing him the pool of cum inside. She held his gaze as it trickled down her throat, before swallowing theatrically and slowly kissing her way back up her body. Finally reaching him, she kissed him passionately, and was surprised and gratified to find him reciprocating with gusto. Mike held her tight as he pushed his tongue deep into her welcoming mouth, relishing the taste of his spunk on her lips. They stayed that way for some minutes, until they finally came to rest, arms and legs wrapped around one another as they lay side by side.

Tell Me what You were Thinking Ch. 03

Non Nude

I’m on my knees. It’s Halloween. We’re at a party. I’m dressed like a slut. Which, I guess I am, since I’m on my knees. Giving blowjobs. It was only supposed to be one. You said a friend of yours from work would help me live out “my fantasy”. Really, it’s your fantasy for me. My fantasy is much simpler. You let me dress in panties and sleep in lingerie. And let me be your bitch.

And, I guess I am that, too. Since I’m giving a blowjob to your friend from work. And, apparently, a few more friends. Yours. His. I don’t know anyone at this party. Thank god.

You sat in a chair right behind me for the first blowjob. Talking me through it. Encouraging. Teasing. Calling me all the names that I love. Sissy. Bitch. Slut. Plus some new ones. Cock sucker. Cum slut. Whore.

You tell me not to finish your friend in my mouth. You want me to jerk him onto my chest. Let it drool down into the bra I wear. My faux cleavage showing because you unbuttoned the white silk blouse when we walked into this back room. My purple push-up bra adds a cup-size and catches the spunk as it slips and cools past my nipples.

Your friend leaves but, you say, word’s gotten out. Free blowjobs in the back. Helluva party. Now there’s a line. Out the door. Down the hall. You leave me alone on my knees. Pink leather mini skirt bunched up high on my thighs. That and the dark hide the purple thong that is slick with my precum. White thigh-high stockings. Thank god you let me take off the four-inch pink stilettos when we first walked back here.

I remember your words now: “You won’t need these for a while, sweetie.”

Four blowjobs beşiktaş escort is “a while”, I guess. You come back in the room and squat beside me. There’s cum on my face, tits, hands, shirt, skirt, hair. Thank god I’m wearing a wig.

“Having fun?” You ask but I can’t answer. The fifth friend has his smooth balls in my mouth while he furiously jerks with his left hand. You laugh.

Soon, I have cum on my face. And you’re introducing me to yet another cock. This is the biggest so far. You tell me there’s something really special about it. About him. Up until now, you’ve had me giving blow jobs. I didn’t have to swallow. But I had to finish them. Make them cum. Be the rag for their salty sticky.

This one, this new cock, this huge cock is different. Special. You tell me that this cock is going to finish inside of you. Not me. You.

In fact, this cock has finished inside of you more often than I have in the past three months. Ever since you let me wear panties full time. This cock belongs to your lover. Which means, that I have to worship it. Just like you worship it. And I worship you.

I stay on my knees and suck him. Lick him. Tease him. Take him. Deep.

I stay on my knees while you fuck him on the bed. You scream your orgasm as you ride him. Then another as he takes you from behind.

I stay on my knees while you bathe in the afterglow of your sex. You push him away when you are too sore. Too tired. Too fucked out.

I stay on my knees when you tell me to taste your pussy on his cock. He stands above me. Grabs my head. Slowly saws himself in and out.

I stay on istanbul escort my knees as you kneel behind me, press your tits into my back. One hand moves inside my bra and twirls the nipple. You play with the dried cum that has pooled in the bottom of the cup.

I stay on my knees as your other hand reaches inside my thong. I feel the heat of your your tits. Their weight. I wonder how the sweaty silk of my blouse feels against your sensitive nipples.

I stay on my knees as the hand in my panties, your dominant hand, slick with my precum, rubs circles on the head of my enraged cock. Like you are masturbating a girl. Not stroking up and down like you would a cock. Rubbing. Tweaking. Teasing. Tormenting.

I stay on my knees even as you whisper in my ear: “Now you have the chance to not just suck a cock. But make it cum. Make it explode. Take all that juice straight from his balls into you. He makes me cum so good. Now you do the same for him. Pay him back for all the incredible fucking he’s given me over the last three months. Pay him back, bitch. Be his cum rag. Swallow it all down. Taste the cum. Make him cum. Be my little cum whore.”


“And that’s when you cum? Thinking about swallowing a load from some guy I’m cheating on you with?”

“Not exactly.”

“What then?”

“I come thinking about the feel of your tits, your fingers running circles on the head of my cock. Your warm breath in my ear.”

“The feel of all that slutty lingerie?”

“yeah … but really it’s your whisper in my ear. Telling me I’ve been a good slut. Telling me to cum for you.”

“And bakırköy escort my ‘lover’s’ cock?”

“I dunno … I guess my fantasy finishes before he does.”

“You’re such a tease!”

“I dunno … I guess.”

“I mean, you already gave a roomful of blowjobs …”

“I guess …”

“Why not finish my ‘lover’ off?”

“I guess … I dunno … it’s not about that. It’s about you. And you being all, like, dominant and use me and control me … sexually …”


“But, like, this fantasy is just … I can’t think of anything more humiliating than this. Which means giving you the ultimate power over me.”

“No, me neither. Well, maybe one thing …”

“But this is just the shit that comes into my brain when I haven’t cum in a week. I don’t want you to think … I shouldn’t have said anything …”

“You know you’re the one who asks to play the tease-and-denial game?”

“I know. I just—”

“What if I didn’t want to do any of this stuff? What if I just want you to worship me and please me and make me cum and be happy every day? In a … more normal way?”

“Of course! That’s what I want!”

“So, you’re okay if we don’t ever do any of this slutty stuff?”

“Of course! It’s just a fanta- “

“That being said, you know, I might get tired of having a slut. I mean, I like to be … taken sometimes, too.”


“So, maybe I will have to take a lover sometime …”


“And if I do take a lover and if I do decide to share that with you, well, you better fucking finish whatever job I give you.”


“Is that clear?”


“Good. Then get on your knees and let me get behind you … and while I play with your little cock, your little cockette, think about my lover’s giant dick pulsing and swelling and exploding in your pathetic slutty eager mouth …”

Super Hero Ch. 05


Chapter 5 “Smitten by her super powers”

He woke in a haze. The first thing he noticed was the glow coming from his bottom. Scenes from the night before filled his head. She made love to him well into the night. He lost count of his orgasms.

He pulled the covers back and slid out of bed. He was startled by the pink satin panties he was wearing. Then he remembered. He put on his robe and headed for the kitchen. His glowing bottom was never far from his thoughts. Was it always going to feel like that?

He stepped into the kitchen and he was alone. He put a pot of coffee on and started making breakfast. He gulped down his eggs and toast realizing just how hungry he had been. Having sex all night really burned the calories. He smiled.

He looked at the time and knew he needed to get ready for work. He tossed around the idea of staying home, calling in sick or well-fucked, but decided against it. He made a little note saying there was fresh coffee in the pot, placed it on the table at her spot and went to his room to get dressed for work.

He stepped into the bathroom and hung his robe on the hook. He looked down at the satin panties. They did feel good. He recalled how she had teased him with them throughout the night. He pulled them off and stepped into the shower.

It was strange not having any pubic hair. He hadn’t looked like that since he was ten years old. He ran his hand around his cock and balls trying to get used to the feel. He dried off and got dressed. He took his pink panties and stuffed them in a drawer right next to her cock.

He felt the glow from his bottom all the way to the office. He smiled. No one knew but him. He had surprising energy given the way he spent the evening.

He sat through a meeting smiling to himself. He wondered what the others would think if they knew he spent the night sucking cock. That’s right, sucking cock. Not only that, but being fucked silly too. And all by the hottest little thing you ever did see.

But that would be his little secret.

He walked in the front door, but no signs of her. He felt a slight pang of rejection. He walked down the hallway and peered into her room. He glanced at her bed, the scene of the crime and felt his cock jerk. He gave it a good squeeze and walked into his bedroom.

He splashed on some cologne and checked his hair. Then he made his way to the den where he would wait for whatever might be in store for him.

He didn’t have to wait long. “There’s my little Penis Boy,” she said waltzing in the front door with a cheerful smile.

Suddenly his world changed. She was simply gorgeous, radiant. “Hi,” he said unable to keep the smile from his face.

Her eyes went straight to his crotch, noticed the bulge, “So how is my little Penis Boy?” She walked right over to the couch, put her hands on her hips and waited.

“Great…” he said feeling his heart beat ninety to nothing. She just raised her eyebrows, waiting.

He pushed her skirt up, pulled her cock from her panties and took it between his lips. He had her hard in no time. He couldn’t keep himself for running his lips and tongue all over it. He hadn’t realized how much he missed it.

“From now on,” she cooed, “I want to find you in your panties when I come home.” She ran her fingers through his hair as he nursed. “Don’t forget my balls baby…you know how I like that…”

Later after she had blown her load into his mouth she eased her cock from his hungry lips. “Kiss, kiss.” He kissed her cock and tucked it back into her panties. “Mmm, definitely getting better,” she smiled swiping a missed bit of cum from his lips and sucking it off her finger. “I could use a drink after that…couldn’t you?”

“Sounds mecidiyeköy escort good,” he said headed for the kitchen. He poured two drinks, plunked in the penis straws and headed back to the den. He watched as her lips wrapped around that pink penis and sucked. “Panties baby, panties!” she said waving towards his room.

“Oh yeah…sorry.” He went to his room and removed his clothes. He retrieved the satin charms from his drawer and slid them on. He gave his cock a good squeeze and headed back to the den. “Would you like a foot rub?” he smiled.

“Ohhh…you’re so sweet,” she smiled. Her eyes went straight to his panties. She could see faint details of his cock pressed against the satin, “Now that’s so much better.” She looked up, “Yes, a foot rub sounds fabulous.” He dropped to the floor and started unlacing her boots.

“I bet I know what you thought about today,” she teased. “You were an absolute animal last night,” she said sucking the penis straw. He couldn’t keep the smile from his face. “If you play your cards right mister, you might get lucky again tonight.”

He pulled her boot off and worked her insole as she unsnapped her corset freeing her breasts. “Whew…that’s better,” she said with a little rub. He worked the other boot off and worked that foot too. “You are really good at that honey,” she grinned. “Tell me baby…what size shoe do you wear?”

He looked up to see her running the cold tumbler across her nipple. “Ten, size ten.”

After a nice long rub he rose exposing his tented panties. They were just tight enough to perfectly outline the head of his cock, “Now see…that’s what I like.” She ran her hand underneath her skirt, “Now you have gone and made me hard. Come here baby…sit on my lap,” she grinned. “But take your panties off first…”

He grinned as he pulled them off. He turned and eased down on her exposed cock. “Oh… my…god,” he moaned surprised by how easy it went in. But he wasn’t surprised by how good it felt.

He placed his hands on her thighs and started to work her cock with his ass. “Mmmm,” he moaned pushing down as hard as he could.

“You love that cock so much,” she whispered in his ear as he bounced on her cock. “I’m spoiling you,” she teased. “You’re going to expect me to fuck you every day when you come.”

“Oh god,” he moaned at the thought. “Mmm,” he purred rocking back and forth. He could feel her hard nipples rubbing across his back.

“You are going to cum so hard,” she whispered. “I want you to swallow…every last drop…you hear me…Penis Boy…you know how I like to watch.”

He reached for his cock, but she stopped him. “No! Let me do it…” She rotated her hips shoving her cock against his prostrate. “Ooooh,” he moaned. He noticed pre-cum oozing from his slit. He quickly scooped it up, sucked it between his lips.

“That’s my Penis Boy…”she whispered.

He started rocking wildly against her hard shaft. “Uoooh… mmmm… oooh…. yeeeaaaah….arrrggghhhh,” he cried as his cock released wave after wave of hot, thick cum.

“Don’t let it go to waste!” she screamed. He moved his hand to his cock, scooped it up, brought it to his mouth.

“Yes…yes, that’s it!” she cried exploding in his ass. “That’s IT!!!!!”

They sat there joined catching their breath. He felt her starting to wilt and eased up. “I’ll start dinner,” he said slipping into his panties.

“Not tonight silly boy,” she said spread out on the couch. Her cock lay against her thigh, her nipples hard atop those magnificent breasts. “It’s Thursday. It’s time to have a drink with the boys,” she smiled. “Just give me a minute to freshen up and I’ll be ready to go.”

She disappeared down the hall and into her room. He wondered vip escort istanbul what Harry and Ed would have to say about this.

He went to his room and cleaned up, more cologne, hair. He slipped into a pair of jeans and went back to the den to wait.

She emerged from her bedroom wearing the cutest little sweater dress with little ruffles around the bottom. It was very feminine with a daring deep cut back then went almost to her waist. She looked so cute and cuddly.

“Wow…you look amazing!” he said almost not recognizing her. He had never seen her in regular clothes.

“Why thank you,” she said with a blushing grin. She looked at his jeans, “Those will never do. Come; let’s find you something appropriate to wear.”

She led him back to his room. “Take those off,” she said opening his closet. She thumbed through his clothes. She turned to glance at him and saw the underwear he had on. “Definitely take those off! I have just the thing…” she said and left.

She returned with a pair of baby blue bikini panties with cute little bows on each hip. She handed them to him and he slipped them on. There was barely enough room for his jewels. She pulled a pair of freshly pressed Dockers from the closet, “These will do nicely.” She handed them to him followed by a nice button down shirt.

He slipped them on worried about the bows on his panties. Would they show through? He was completely aware of the tight silk underneath his pants. She checked him out thoroughly and gave her approval with the slightest of smiles.

“The boys don’t know you suck cock…do they?” she asked.

“Uh…no,” he said feeling panic set in.

“Well they wouldn’t mind… if they knew how good you were,” she smiled. “I bet that Harry has a big one.” She saw the fear in his eyes, “Don’t worry…I won’t say a thing.”

They strolled into Dick’s Last Resort looking like the preppy couple of the year. Harry and Ed were in their usual booth. Harry was smoking a cigar. He saw them headed their way and tapped Ed’s leg underneath the table.

They walked up arm in arm. “Hello boys,” she said with that bright smile of hers.

“Well hey…didn’t expect to see you here,” Harry said stunned. She was the best looking thing he had ever laid eyes on. He had never seen a dress in Dick’s in all the years he had been going.

Ed couldn’t find his voice. He saw what he believed were her nipples barely discernable behind the fuzzy sweater material.

It was quite obvious to Harry and Ed that their relationship had changed. She was clinging onto his arm with a school girl crush. And those Dockers. Harry knew that was her doing.

“I hope you don’t mind me tagging along,” she smiled sliding in next to Harry. “Hi Ed.”

“Hi,” Ed managed. With all the dreams he had of her in that costume, he was pretty sure they were now going to be of that dress.

“No…we’re glad you came,” Harry said with a big smile. “It gets a little boring with these guys after a while. I bet that doesn’t happen tonight,” he chuckled. That Gary was one lucky son of a bitch he thought.

She nestled in close to Gary and slid her arm down into his lap underneath the table. The boys could easily see where it ended up. Ed shifted in his seat. Harry maintained a poker face. “You say the nicest things,” she said before turning to Gary, “doesn’t he honey?”

Gary gave her quick smile, “Yes…of course…sugar.” She took that opportunity to push against his cock with her hand. He assumed it was reward for answering her correctly. “Harry always knows what to say,” he smiled.

“I bet you would like a drink,” Harry said signaling the waitress. She walked over to take the order. “What will you have?” Harry asked. sarıyer escort

“Gary knows what I like,” she smiled making it clear who was in charge.

“She would like Crown Royal with a splash of water,” he said feeling like the big stud on campus. “Make that two,” he added almost forgetting himself.

“So…how are things going?” Harry asked looking at her. He was particularly impressed with the peach lip gloss she was wearing.

“They just couldn’t be better,” she gushed flashing a bright cheery smile. “Gary has been so nice to me. He pours me a drink in the evenings when I get home. Sometimes I even get a foot rub,” she smiled. “He really knows how to make a girl happy.”

The boys nodded their head in agreement. She had him wrapped around her little finger. But hey, they would switch places with him any day of the week.

She turned to look into Gary’s eyes, “So I do what I can to make him happy too.”

He found himself blushing. Boy, she was really laying it on thick. He could see the boys were jealous as hell. And that felt pretty good.

Their drinks arrived and she proceeded to flirt with the boys all evening. She mentioned Gary in just about everything she said.

The one thing the boys noticed was her arm going down to his lap. It hadn’t moved since the minute they got there. She had him hard in those tight little panties and kept him that way. He sat there with a shit eating grin the entire night.

Two hours later she said, “Well…I think its time we went home, don’t you honey? These drinks have me all hot and bothered.” The boys nearly fell out.

Gary scooted out of the booth first and stood there waiting for her. His bulge was clearly visible. She waited until they noticed and slid out behind him. She ran her arm through his, “Good night boys.” She flashed them that smile one more time and they walked out together.

As they headed for the door she leaned in to whisper in his ear, “I think that went well, don’t you?” He had a smile from ear to ear, “Oh man…that was great!”

As they approached the car she said, “I’ll take those keys mister.” He looked at her surprised, but handed them over. She gave him that wicked little grin of hers, “You have work to do.”

They got in the car and she kicked off her heels. She started it up and he bent down to her lap. He edged the hem of her dress back revealing the cute little panties she was wearing. He reached deep between her legs and found her hard. He pulled it free and kissed it twice before running his tongue slowly around the head.

“That’s my Penis Boy,” she cooed. She backed up and pulled out of the parking lot. “Feeling your hard cock… all night…thinking about the panties you have on…made me so fucking horny!” she huffed. “I can’t wait to get home.” He slurped on her cock all the way there.

She pulled into the driveway and he did his best to stick her cock back into her panties, but it just wouldn’t fit. He pulled her dress down, but it tented up obscenely. “You are definitely getting better at that,” she smiled taking his hand and leading him into the house. She walked him right back to her bedroom and pushed him back on her bed.

She reached for his zipper and eased it down, “Tell me…did you think about their cocks?”

“Hmm?” he grunted playing dumb. He was not very good at it. She grabbed his pants and yanked them off leaving him sprawled out in his panties.

She stared at the nice big lump straining against the silk. “I said…did you think about their cocks? You wondered what they looked like…didn’t you…what they would feel like between your lips.” She watched his cock jump and jerk behind the silk. “That’s what I thought!” she smiled. He was definitely hooked. “I just know that Harry has a big one.”

She reached up and pulled his panties off. Then she hiked her dress up and pulled him closer to her. “You make such a nice Penis Boy,” she said driving her cock into him.

To be continued…Thank you for your vote.

Swiping Right for Susan


I very nearly swept left.

I mean, she was gorgeous. Better than gorgeous, quite honestly. She had the body: curves and boobs, legs and rump. She had a very pretty face, and a beautiful smile – a real light-up-the-room beamer, a genuine smile. I was drawn to her, and I don’t mind admitting it. And that’s exactly what I was looking for: a connection, an attraction, something real.

Her Tinder profile listed her name as ‘Susan’. “Well hello Susan,” said I.

After looking over her photos on my Tinder app, I clicked to read the ‘fine print’, the short description Tinder users get to put up in order to state their case, their likes or dislikes, so on and so forth – and that was what gave me pause. “Straight up,” she wrote, “I am trans gender. I was born male and I’m pre-op, though I’ve had my boobs done. If me being TG is a problem for you, go on and swipe left. If not, swipe right, and when you message me write the words ‘I KNOW YOU’RE TG’ so we don’t have to have the awkward conversation. Toodles!”

I will admit to being more than a little crestfallen. I mean, browsing through Tinder, reviewing the lady-folk anonymously, swiping right on the ‘yays’ and swiping left on the ‘nays’ is a fairly vacuous way to pass the time. What with Tinder girls being, shall we say, of a certain renown – the easily-bedded renown, to be specific, the Tinder dating app having become famous as a meeting place for one night stands – it’s fair to say that at the end of the day, what I wanted first and foremost was a nice warm place to park my cock.

Bearing this in mind, perhaps you’ll forgive me for admitting my very first thought was “sorry love – I’m just too fond of the vaginas!” And I was all set to swipe left – my thumb was on the screen and everything – but I heard my housemates calling out from the kitchen that dinner was ready, and so I dropped my phone and headed off for some nosh.

While I ate, I thought about Susan. And I thought about her. And I thought about her some more; the housemates and I were having pasta, and I was offered a glass of red wine, which has always been helpful in the thinking of deep thoughts.

There were two lines of thought competing in my mind. The first line, which was becoming louder and sounding better as the night wore on, went along the lines of ‘she’s awful pretty. Great body. And that smile, man. That smile…’ While the second line of thought was a reflection of my initial reaction: ‘yeah boy, she’s pretty all right. But she’s got a cock. Could you handle that?’

I wasn’t sure if I could. I had nothing against her, nor against trans-gendered persons in general. I thought it was great that people unhappy in their bodies, unhappy with their gender could change their lives for the better, to assume the identities they’d be most comfortable in. I’ve always been a big believer in personal freedom and self-determination, and if a guy decided he wanted to live his life as a lady, I was in full support. All power to them.

But then, I’d always considered myself very strongly heterosexual; I’d never dabbled in a bit of fun with the man-folk, never even fantasised about it. But then again, Susan wasn’t a man, nor in the strictest of strict terms could one say she was truly a woman. Would she feel enough like a woman to me that the small matter of a cock hanging between her legs wouldn’t matter?

I had no idea. But equally so, I was becoming less and less sure that I really wanted to walk away from this possibility that was Susan on Tinder – a possibility which was becoming more and more intriguing…

“Ah, fuck it,” I eventually said to myself – and I swept right.

And wouldn’t you know it? Seems our Susan had already found my profile, for as soon as I swept right I received notification letting me know that she had swept right too!

“Oho,” crowed I. “Seems I’m a hit with the ladyboys as well as the ladies, then.”

Upon reflection though, I found myself feeling a little bad for applying that particular epithet. Dubbing our Susan a mere ‘ladyboy’ seemed a trifle brusque, derogatory somehow. Without knowing her – or even knowing if she’d even really be interested in talking to me – somehow I was already coming to the realisation that I ought to think of her as a woman, and nothing less. She wanted to be a woman; she’d clearly committed enough to the lifestyle to go and get her boobs done, and she had enough of that curvy, soft-skinned feminine look about her body to suggest she was well along the course of the hormonal supplements I had heard the trans-gendered folk were often prescribed. I could already tell that the ‘ladyboy’ sobriquet – or anything of its ilk – would be as inappropriate as it would be unwelcome.

But never mind that: it was time to reach out. Having swiped right on Susan, and what with Susan having swept right on me prior, I was clear to send her a message and try my luck. I don’t know what other guys do when they’re trying to score through Tinder, though I suspected quite a many of them probably tried their cheesiest pick-up lines, kağıthane escort to the certain exasperation of the lovely ladies out there; and so I wrote my standard greeting:

‘Hey there Susan. How’s your evening going?’

A few minutes passed, and I found myself disappointed to have not earned a reply. Something finally clicked in my memory, and I very nearly slapped myself.

‘Whoops!’ I typed. ‘Nearly forgot the mandatory I KNOW YOU’RE TG. Gotta get that out of the way nice and early, hey?’

A response from Susan came back good and quick, to my immense relief. ‘Lol,’ she wrote in reply. ‘Thank god for that! I really wasn’t in the mood for another awkward conversation.’

‘You get a lot of right-swipers not reading the fine print, then?’ I wrote.

‘With depressing regularity,’ she assured me. ‘I’m glad you read the fine print though. I was really hoping to hear those magic words from you,’ she added, with a winky-faced emoticon for added effect.

I found myself beaming hugely. ‘Aww, thanks Susan,’ I wrote.

‘Most welcome, Marcus,’ she replied. ‘So you’re sure me being TG isn’t a deal breaker?’

I wondered how to put it most succinctly. ‘Honestly: I was drawn to the person first, gender second,’ I wrote, realising as I wrote that every word was the absolute truth of it. ‘Didn’t hurt that you’re a drop-dead stunner to boot,’ I added, with my own sly winky-face to boot.

‘Uh oh. He’s a smooth one!’ she fired back at me.

‘Girl, if you think I’m smooth on Tinder, you should meet me in person.’

‘Is that an invitation?’ flashed up on my screen, and I could hear her coquettish tone even as I read it.

‘You betcha. Got any plans this evening?’

‘Name a time and place,’ she invited.

I named the time – an hour from now – and the nearest pub seemed as good a place as any. She agreed, and fifty-five minutes later I found myself waiting by the door, dressed to impress and filled to the brim with equal parts excitement and trepidation.

What was I doing? Was I sure I could do this? ‘But she’s got a cock,’ my doubts whispered in the back of my mind. ‘She’s not a full woman. Are you really sure you’re up for it? You’ve never been with a guy. You’ve never even been interested.’

Well, I wasn’t hurting anybody, I reasoned. If she or if I didn’t get the feeling, we’d just have a few drinks and a few laughs and bid each other a good night, as I’d done many a time before with newly-met friends via Tinder. And if I got the feeling, well… again, as I’d done once or twice before with newly-met Tinder types, I’d work my charms, try my best, and perhaps go put another notch on the old totem pole, if you follow me.

Bang on the hour, I looked up the street and I saw her. And I liked what I saw. She was of a good height: five eight without heels maybe, coming to five ten in a very nice pair of heels, same height as me. Perfect kissing height, I couldn’t help but notice. And the rest was just as per her profile pics: damn fine curves, tending to slim but very pleasingly feminine, draped in a form-fitting evening dress of a tasteful shade of orange. Blonde hair of shoulder length, framing a face that was round and pretty, soft and, of course, perfectly hairless. And as she saw me and recognised me from my own Tinder profile, there came that smile – and already I knew.

I had the feeling. She may have had a cock, but cock be damned: she was my kind of girl.

“Evening Susan,” I greeted, leaning in for a kiss on the cheek.

“Marcus,” she replied – and even her voice was sexy, not too deep, soft and feminine just like the rest of her.

“Shall we enter the premises?” I suggested, offering her the crook of my elbow.

“Let’s shall,” she beamed, and I took her arm in mine as we walked on in and obtained drinks.

“Well,” I said, after we took a tall table in a corner of the busy pub. “You’re gorgeous!”

She laughed, a delightful sound to be sure. “You sound relieved!” she grinned, to which I laughed too. “Now let me guess what you’re gonna say next: you never would have guessed I was a guy. Right?”

I blinked. “Well, it’s the truth,” I allowed. “I never would have guessed. But I wasn’t actually planning on saying it – bit of a foot-in-mouth kind of thing to say to a lady,” I reckoned.

She seemed well pleased by my response. “Good to hear,” she confirmed.

“So then,” I went on after a goodly swig of beer. “Can I run through all the other questions you must always get asked?”

“Sure,” she allowed, still in good humour.

“Alright then. So when did you decide to start living as a woman?”

“Eight years ago,” said Susan, after a swig of beer of her own. “As soon as I finished high school. I mean, I’d known for years that I was unhappy living as a man. But I had an image in high school: you know, the popular guy, the over-achiever, good with the chicks and everything.”

“Ah. The guy all us other guys hated,” I chipped in.

“Exactly!” she grinned. “That was me. And as much as elit escort istanbul I wanted to live as a woman back then, I wasn’t ready to rock the boat, you know? I didn’t want to call any attention to myself. I just wanted to live my life and finish school without being looked at, talked about or laughed at. So I waited.”

“Fair enough,” I nodded. “How about your family? Supportive?”

“Mixed bag,” she shrugged. “Dad was upset when I told him, he’s never really looked me in the eye since I started living this life. Mum’s been good, though I know she’s not happy that I’ll never provide grandkids. My kid brother was weirded out at first, especially while he was still back at my old high school; I think he was mostly worried about his friends finding out and teasing him about it, though me moving interstate helped avoid that. Once he started University things got easier between us, he’s even introduced me to his friends as his sister. And my older sister’s been the best. I confided in her when I was sixteen, she was the first person I told, and she was always so great about it, so supportive. Still is,” she beamed. “She’s got kids now, they all call me Aunty Susan.”

“Aww, that’s awesome,” I smiled. “Any old mates from school, or old girlfriends find out?”

She smiled a little ruefully. “It’s hard to stay anonymous in these days of Facebook,” she observed. “I tried to avoid my old circles, basically cut everyone off and made new friends in a new state. But word got back. I’m the talk of our little country hick town, apparently,” she smirked.

“Well, you’ve gotta give the townsfolk something to gab about,” said I.

“Oh yes,” Susan giggled. “And that I did, very much so.”

“So you used to date the girls in school,” I began. “But now you seem somewhat interested in the guys…?”

“Mmm, maybe somewhat,” she allowed, though the spark in her eye gave lie to her heavy understatement. “Truth be told, I always crushed on my mates. But I went with the chicks to keep up appearances. And to learn all their little lady-like habits,” she added, conspiratorially.

“Oh did you now?” I said, feigning mild outrage on the behalf of all the ladies our Susan had hoodwinked. “Well Susan, aren’t you a bit of a snake in the grass?”

She burst out laughing at that, guffawing hugely, and it was with a start that I realised I had possibly dropped an inadvertent clanger. “Oh Marcus,” she gasped between belly-laughs, and she had to clutch my bicep in an apparent effort to remain standing. “Oh man! I have never heard it put so eloquently! Oh wow.”

And as she regathered her composure, I realised her laughter was genuine, and I was greatly relieved that she hadn’t taken my unwitting slippage as an affront. “You liked that one, then?” said I, deciding to take ownership of the grass-bound snake jape.

She turned that gorgeous smile on me, and it struck me hard. God damn but she was beautiful. She had such a warmth to her, such a real genuine air: she was beautiful, inside and out, nether regions be damned.

All of a sudden, I knew it for sure. Any lingering doubt vanished on the breeze, washed away by Susan’s beautiful, engaging smile. This girl was for me. I wanted her, and I wanted her bad.

My desires must have shown in my eyes. I saw recognition flash across her face, I knew she knew that I was feeling it; her smile didn’t falter, in fact it grew bigger. And before I knew it, I was kissing her.

And it was right. It felt right, I felt right, not a shred of it felt wrong. That little nagging voice of doubt was gone; so far as I was concerned, I was kissing a woman, and it was the very height of awesomeness.

Presently the kiss was done, and we both stepped back to regard each other. “Umm. Wow,” was all she had to say.

“I know,” I had to agree.

“Do you always kiss your dates before you even finish your first schooner?” she teased.

“Umm, well, no,” I assured her. “I promise, I am not usually such a damned hussy.”

She laughed again – and man, how I loved to hear that laughter, how I wanted to hear more. “Well then, I must be having quite an effect on you,” she said, in a marvellously breathy tone that was simply sexy as fuck.

I had to bite my lip in an effort to retain control. “That’s damning it with the faintest of faint praise, my dear,” I assured her.

I was all set to dive in and kiss her again, but she stopped me: she laid a hand on my chest, she scooched on over with a serious look in her eye, and she pressed her pelvis hard up against mine.

And I felt it. It was there. She must have had it strapped down against her leg so as not to create a bulge in her form-fitting dress, but as she crammed up tight against me I could feel it: she had a long, warm, hard cock. It was pressed unmistakably against my thigh.

And she saw that it gave me pause. “Marcus,” she murmured. “Are you sure you can handle this?”

I admit, I wasn’t completely sure. I didn’t want to be unsure at all. I wanted her, I wanted her bad.

“Marcus,” fatih escort she said again. “Have you ever fooled around with a guy?”

“No, never,” I admitted. “But then,” I went on to add, “I don’t feel like I’m fooling around with a guy now.”

“Well, that’s nice,” she began. “It’s lovely that you’ve bought into my gender identity, Marcus. It’s just… I’ve been hurt before,” she told me, looking me in the eye. “So I need to know, I need us both to be sure. Is this…” and she ground her cock harder into me, pressing it against me even as she let the desire flare in her beautiful blue-green eyes, “…going to be a problem?”

As I saw the desire in her eyes, I knew. She wanted me. She was hot for me, she wanted me. Her cock was hard for me; I’d kissed her, I’d fanned the flames of her arousal, and she was hard for me. Knowing that I had done this, I had turned on this beautiful breathtaking creature, was an intense turn-on for me too. And it made me want her all the more.

“It won’t be a problem,” I promised her. “Just so long as this…” and I rolled my own hips, and her eyes widened as I pressed the length and breadth of my own throbbing arousal against her belly, “…isn’t a problem either.”

It was now her turn to bite her lip. “Oh damn,” she relented. “I guess there’s only one last problem to solve…”


“Whose place is closer – yours or mine?” It turned out she lived ten minutes away, and my place was five, so we bundled into a taxi and headed for mine.

Now I’m not usually one for public displays of affection, but I don’t mind admitting the taxi driver may well have had quite a show in his rear-view mirror: clothes were retained, but hands went everywhere. Her boobs felt commendably real – again, one might never have guessed, ha ha – and her skin was so soft and so smooth; between lengthy sessions of drinking up her sweet kisses, I kept exploring the long graceful sweep of her neck with my lips, kissing her all the way down to the point of her shoulder and back up to the hollow beneath her jaw, which seemed to set her especially a-quiver.

After getting to my place and giving the driver far more cash than was required, we hurried through the door and spared my housemates a very hasty greeting as I led her by the hand to my bedroom. “So,” I said, sweeping my hand across the ten-by-fifteen foot expanse of real estate. “Care for the grand tour?”

“Sure,” she giggled.

“Well, first and last stop: the bed!” And I half-dragged, half-threw her down onto the bed with me, earning yet another fine bout of laughter which I was almost sorry to smother with kisses.

Our clothes were a hindrance, so we set about de-hindering ourselves. My finest shirt was gone, followed by my belt; she reached back, making her boobs pooch out wondrously as she unzipped herself, and then she lifted her dress up over her head. She didn’t need a bra – her boobs had that fine perkiness about them that surgical augmentation was famous for – but she did have a couple of pasties on; with a poked-out tongue for the huge grin they inspired on me, she peeled them off and flung them away, baring a fine pair of small pointed nipples.

We were both on our knees in my bed, naked to the waist. My eyes ran up and down her form hungrily, followed by my hands: her neck so graceful, so womanly; her breasts warm, round and soft; her sides slim and curving, her hips petite; her butt, just perfectly so…

And down in the crotch of her tight black boy-shorts, the bulge most commonly associated with manhood.

She saw my eyes linger there, my hands pausing about her hips. She found my eyes; I smiled, kissed her gently, reverently, conveying as much of my appreciation and affection and attraction as I was able through my lips locked on hers, even as I let my hand drift down the trimness of her tummy and onto the warm, hard bulge of her cock.

Her breasts rose suddenly as her breath caught, and I could feel the surge of her horniness. She moaned into my mouth as I worked my fingers along and around her cock, stroking it through the sheer fine material of her netherwear; rough and greedy, she defeated the button and fly of my jeans, pushing them and my briefs down and unleashing my own long hard rod.

“Mmm…” we both moaned as she and I stroked at each other’s cocks. I shuffled to help her push the last of my clothing away, and she did the same as I slipped her boyshorts down her long, smooth, shapely legs. We both hung back a moment to regard each other: me with my strong shoulders, flat stomach and generous body hair, my cock arcing upwards, my bulging purple head threatening to skewer my navel; her with her beautiful feminine body, boobs to next Tuesday, hips and curves, skin so soft and womanly without a hair out of place, and her own cock slightly smaller than mine, jutting out perpendicular to her body, a single drop of pre-come dangling off her own streamlined knob.

Without hesitation, I bundled back into her, pressing hard into her embrace. Her cock was pressed hard up against mine, and it thrilled me greatly. It wasn’t the alien appendage I had feared it might be – it was her, a part of her, and it was as beautiful as the rest of her. It wasn’t even that it didn’t bother me; I loved it. I loved her cock. And I wanted to let it show.

Don’t Forget


She swayed back and forth as she struggled. Her arms were tied tightly together and pulled up behind her. Her breasts, encircled tightly by rope, were swollen and red. She moaned softly, the sound muffled by the blue ballgag which didn’t do a thing to prevent the drool dripping down her lips and chin.

Weights hung from clamps attached to her nipples and pussy lips, and I smiled as her motions caused the weights to swing, which caused her to go wiggle even more. A wonderfully painful cycle.

I walked up silently behind her and without warning slapped her ass gently. She jumped, taken by surprise thanks to her blindfold. I slapped her ass again more forcefully, then slid my hand down between her legs. I rubbed her roughly with two fingers before sliding them in and out several times, earning several long moans which I cut off by sharply slapping her pussy.

“I can’t let you have too much fun just yet, can I, my pet?” I whispered in her ear. I stepped back and picked up a whip, then touched the back of her neck with its tip. I felt her shiver as I trailed it teasingly down her spine, before tapping it against her ass a few times gently and quickly, as if testing. She moaned softly into her gag as I reached around with my free hand. I cupped her left tit and squeezed, crushing it between my fingers and releasing. My lips pressed against the back of her neck, sucking on her tender skin, before suddenly moving to the side and cracking the whip against her ass. She groaned into her gag and writhed against her bonds.

I stepped back and whipped her again, the long leather strands leaving her cheeks stinging and red. I reached down, kneading her ass gently, rubbing to spread out the sensations, before leaning back and delivering four more quick blows. I paused and reached up to unbuckle her gag, then leaned down and quickly pulled off the clamps on her pussy lips. She let out a soft scream and swayed as I stood back up and walked around beside her.

Reaching up, I grabbed a handful of her long hair and pulled her head back to look up at me. “Lets çapa escort see, dear. You’ve gotten 6 already, so you have 19 left. Maybe next time you’ll remember where you are supposed to be when I get home.” I gave her my sternest look, though inside I was already smiling at how well she was taking her punishment. “But since you’ve been so good tonight, I’ll give you a chance to reduce that number.”

She perked up a little, not that she could move much in such tight bondage. “You will count out each stroke of my whip and thank me, pet. If you make it through 15 without fucking up, then the last four will be forgiven. If not, you’ll get all 19.”

“Yes, Master, thank you, Master!” she replied, sounding so earnest I almost chuckled.

“Good girl, I know you can do it,” I said, and released her hair. She leaned back into her ropes, her widely spread legs supporting her, barely. Without giving her time to prepare, I brought the whip down on her ass, the sound cracking across our basement.

“One, Master, thank you, Master,” she said quickly, breathing heavily and keeping her eyes on the ground.

I nodded to myself and brought the whip down again, harder this time, and her knees trembled as she let out a moan. “Tw ..two, Master, thank you, Master,” she said.

I continued applying her lashes and she kept up, barely, as her breaths turned to pants and a sheen of sweat covered her body. Her ass grew a bright cheery red with welts appearing in short lines, and finally her tears began to flow. Still she kept count and thanked me.


I slammed the whip against her, giving her the hardest lash yet. She screamed out lightly and her knees buckled, dropping her down slightly as she hung from her arms. I quickly reached under her to pull her up, and held her for a moment, thinking maybe I’d gone a bit too far. I opened my mouth but before I could say anything I felt her standing up under me.

“13, Master,” -breath- “Thank you, Master,” she said quietly.

Behind her and out of sight, I smiled, proud of her. istanbul escort bayan She’d certainly taken enough already, but it would be an insult to her to stop now, so I stood back and whipped her again, a little lower this time. She trembled slightly but said “14, Master, thank you, Master.”

“Last one,” I said.

I twirled the whip in my hand to let her hear the sound of it moving through the air, and let the moment build. Her taut muscles tensed beneath her skin as she listened. Finally I swung my arm and brought the whip towards her ass. It whistled as it whipped through the air. Right before it slammed into her though, I flicked my wrist to rob its speed, and ended up tapping her lightly with it.

She let out her breath in a sobbing breath and leaned into her ropes, panting several times before whispering, “15, Master, thank you, Master.”

I tossed the whip onto a bench and reached around her with both arms, pulling her back against me. She ground her ass against me and after a moment I stepped back, pulling down my pants and kicking them aside. I slid a finger along her ass and down between her legs, eliciting a moan from her, then slammed my cock into her dripping pussy. I held her against me as I fucked her roughly.

“Please Master, please may I cum?” she begged.

“Not yet,” I said cruelly, and pulled out. I rubbed the tip of my cock against her swollen pussy lips, teasing her. She leaned back against me and I chuckled. I stood back and reached over to the rope holding her arms up. I let it down and she fell to her knees, her arms still tied tightly behind her.

I chuckled and then grabbed her arms, pulling her up to her knees. I dragged her over to the bed threw her onto it, then grabbed her hips and pulled her onto her knees, her face pressed into the sheets.

I knelt down beside the bed, my head level with her pussy, and then spread her legs. I leaned in, my tongue flicking out and licking her swollen lips, tasting her flowing juices, trying to judge how close she was. “If her wetness güngören escort is any indication, she’s very close,” I thought to myself.

I licked a few more times as she pressed back against my faced, grinding a little, and this time I didn’t punish her for it. I let my tongue slip into her deeply once before flicking it over her clit, causing her to moan loudly. I stood up, grabbing her still tied arms as a handle and slammed my cock into her again, fucking her tight pussy slowly but hard enough to cause her body to shake with each thrust.

I slowly sped up, my own breath speeding up as her tight walls clung to my cock, listening to her now almost constant moaning.

“Does my slutty girl want to cum?” I asked.

“Yesss please, Master, God yes, please may I cum?” she said frantically, bucking her hips back against me in time to my thrusts.

“Cum, pet!” I said firmly, “cum for me now.”

I continued to fuck her as she let out another loud moan, muffled by the sheets. Her body trembled and I felt her pussy contract around me as she came, driving me close to edge myself. I fought it off and didn’t let myself go over, but kept fucking her at a steady pace until the tenseness drained from her body and her moans softened.

I smiled down at her, but only for a moment, as I was still right on the edge myself. I pulled out and grasped her hips, pulling her off the bed and onto her knees in front of me. She opened her mouth and sucked in the head of my cock while I slowly pressed in and out. The feel of her warm tongue sent me over the edge and I let out a groan. I came hard, sliding out and shooting my load into her open mouth, before slipping back in and letting her wrap her lips around me to clean me off and suck up the last bit of cum.

“Have you learned your lesson, dear?” I asked.

She swallowed. “Yes, Master,” she said, “I promise that I won’t forget again.” She smiled up at me hopefully, looking for approval, and I smiled back.

I reached down to untie her tits, and she let out a gasp of pain as blood flowed back into them. I massaged them gently before untying her wrists, then picked her up and carried her into bed. She snuggled into my chest as I held her close to me and gently caressed her body.

“Good girl,” I whispered as she slowly fell to sleep in my protective arms.

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